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 The World Bank

The nine Pacific Island countries (PICs)1 covered in this regional strategy face similar development challenges today despite notable differences in history, culture, and endowments.
The lack of economic growth in the face of growing populations has contributed to rising unemployment and hardship in the region. Even those countries that have seen positive growth in

 The World Bank

Pacific Island communities are particularly vulnerable to natural disasters — ranging from tropical cyclones, drought, floods, storm surges and tsunamis. Each year, these events result in significant loss of life, the destruction of homes, public infrastructure and livelihoods and the reversal of hard-won economic gains. Recently, deadly tsunami and earthquake events in the Indian Ocean region have focused the attention of the world community, particularly those living in small islands and coastal regions, to the need for greater vigilance in disaster prevention and preparedness.

 The World Bank

The focus on biodieversity and conservation is recognition of protecting and conserving biodiversity and sustainably managing living natural resources are fundamental to sustainable development.

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 25 p.