115 results

Climate change poses an unprecedented level of threat to life on the planet. In addition, predictions about the scale and speed of impact are continually being revised upwards, so that what was already a serious situation continues to look even more threatening. The facts are well known. Atmospheric greenhouse gases are creating warmer temperatures, ice melt, sea-level rise and an unpredictable climate, with a range of extremely serious and hard-to-predict consequences. Recent research shows an increasingly bleak picture.

 International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN),  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Protected areas for Pacific Island Communities - Managing natural resources now and for the future (Poster)

Online - Poster

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 1p. : ill, (col.)


As the first decade of the 21st century draws to a close, most countries of the world have established protected areas. Virtually all such areas enjoy some form of legal protection. Growth in protected areas has continued to trend upward since the 1960s, when data showed only about 1.5 per cent of the earth’s surface covered. Today, more than 12 per cent of the earth’s surface is part of some type of formal protected area But scientific assessments indicate that biodiversity and ecosystem integrity are continuing to decline at an accelerating rate.

 The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

In 2018, the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) adopted a decision on protected areas and other

 The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

This year, nations of the world are expected to set ambitious new targets for protecting biodiversity. In much of the world, achieving spatial targets will require conservation of areas under private ownership. Throughout 2021 IUCN is hosting the Vital Sites webinar series which is rich in expert insights and discussions across all of the many areas of expertise in our global network. All seminars are recorded. In June the series explored the potential for privately protected areas (PPAs).

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 11 p.

 International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN)

The Governance Assessment for Protected Areas and Conserved Areas (GAPA) methodology manual is the product of four years’ work

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-78431-733-1

Physical Description: 160 p

 Conservation and Environment Protection Authority.

This Protected Areas Policy Implementation Plan (PAPIP) aims to guide organizations, agencies and resource-owning communities of Papua New Guinea (PNG) to collaborate and harmonize their sustainability efforts towards developing new protected areas (PA) in PNG

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

ISBN/ISSN: 978-982-04-0725-1,978-982-04-0726-8

Physical Description: 132 p

 Global Environment Facility (GEF) Independent Evaluation Office (IEO)

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) has been the major source of financial and technical support for
countries seeking to conserve their biodiversity and use their biological resources in a sustain- able
manner. Since 1991, the GEF has, in collaboration with its Implementing Agencies—notably the United
Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Bank—provided $4.8 billion in grants and
mobilized an additional $17.9 billion in cofinancing from public, multilateral, and private sources to 1,167

 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),  The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

The importance of measuring economic impacts of tourism in protected areas. The value of protected areas is often hidden from direct view. Once managers understand the number of behaviour of visitors they host, and the revenues and costs they generate, informed decisions on management plans and tourism strategies can be made.

Call Number: [EL]

ISBN/ISSN: 978-9231-004650

Physical Description: 113 p.

 The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN),  The European Union (EU)

A protected area is a clearly defined geographical space recognised, dedicated and managed through legal of other effective means to achieve the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values.

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 6 p.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

This new Pacific islands framework for nature conservation and protected areas 2021-2025 was endorsed during the conference and subsequently at the 30th SPREP Meeting by 26 members countries and territories in 2021. It reflects the urgent need for transformative action in response to the multiple accelerating threats, both established and emerging, that are faced by nature and people in the Pacific.

Call Number: [EL],333.72099 PAC

ISBN/ISSN: 978-982-04-1007-7,978-982-04-1006-0

Physical Description: 61 p. 29 cm.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Le nouveau Cadre du Pacifique insulaire 2021-2025 pour la conservation de la nature et les aires protégées a été approuvé lors de la Conférence et, par la suite, lors de la 30e Conférence du PROE en 2021, par 26 États et territoires Membres. Il rend compte de l’urgence d’une action porteuse de transformations face à l’accélération de nombreuses menaces, aussi bien confirmées qu’émergentes, auxquelles sont confrontées la nature et les populations du Pacifique

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 63 p. 29 cm

 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Accelerating ecosystem degradation has spurred proposals ti vastly expand the extent of protected areas (PCs), potentially affecting the livelihoods and well-being of indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs) worldwide.

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 13 p.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

To provide a doorway through which Pacific islands protected area practitioners can share expertise and benefit from opportunities. To provide up-to-date PA coverage data relevant information and management tools to support protected area decision making and planning.

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 13 p.

 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Protected areas (PAs) are a cornerstone of global conservation and central to international
plans to minimize global extinctions. During the coming century, global ecosystem
destruction and fragmentation associated with increased human population and
economic activity could make the long-term survival of most terrestrial vertebrates even
more dependent on PAs.

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 8 p.

 Princeton University

Protected areas safeguard biodiversity, ensure ecosystem functioning and deliver ecosystem services to communities.

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 9 p.

 Springer Science and Business Media LLC

The 2020 global spatial targets for protected areas set by the Convention on Biological Diversity have almost been achieved, but management e3ffectiveness remains deficient.

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 13 p.

 IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature

Protected and conserved areas are vital for safeguarding our unique biodiversity - as well as underpinning culture and livelihoods. This report is the first comprehensive regional assessment of protected and conserved areas. The biodiversity and Protected Areas Management Programme (BIOPAMA) supported the preparation pf this report.

Call Number: [EL],333.95 CON

ISBN/ISSN: 978-2-8317-2214-6,978-2-8317-2215-3

Physical Description: 272 p.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Protected Area Management Effectiveness (PAME) can be defined as the extent to which management is protecting values and achieving goals and objectives. The report also reviews attempts to develop headline indicators that would provide essential PAME information for a site, given the challenge of balancing the number of questions and indicators needed for a full assessment with the limited capacity.

Call Number: [EL]

ISBN/ISSN: 978-982-04-1181-4,978-982-04-1183-8

Physical Description: 102 p. 29 cm

 World Wildlife Fund (WWF),  International Union Conservation Nature (IUCN)

This guide is about how to plan and implement the new global target for effectively and equitably conserving at least 30% of the Earth by 2030. This guide is intended to support countries in the development and exceution of their plans for GBF target 3.

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 69 p.