164 results
 Pacific Data Hub

Technical note - land cover change for Vaitupu, Tuvalu between 1969 to 2005

 Pacific Data Hub

Summary Record of the Third Session of the Pacific Platform for Disaster Risk Management, 1-5 August 2011, Auckland, New Zealand

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific-ACP States Regional Legislative and Regulatory Framework for deep sea mineral exploration and exploitation (Prepared under the SPC-EU EDF10 Deep Sea Minerals Project) - First Edition

 Pacific Data Hub

SPC-EU EDF10 Deep Sea Minerals Project: Proceedings of the Inaugural Regional Workshop, 6-8 June 2011

 Pacific Data Hub

B 2: Community assessment 2.1: Community engagement strategy and community assessment manual

 Pacific Data Hub

B 2: Community assessment 2.2: Community values and social impact analysis

 Pacific Data Hub

Resilience : response, recovery and ethnicity in post-disaster processes

 Pacific Data Hub

Piloting a monitoring an devaluation tool for water supply, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in Funafuti, Tuvalu 2011

 Pacific Data Hub

Technical note - land cover type mapping utlilising GeoEye image data, Tabiteuea Island (Tab North and Tab South), Republic of Kiribati

 Pacific Data Hub

Technical note _ revised land cover type mapping utlising GeoEye image data, Nonouti Island, Republic of Kiribati

 Pacific Data Hub

Technical note - revised land cover type mapping utlising GeoEye image data, Abaiang Islands, republic of Kiribati

 Pacific Data Hub

Technical Note - Land cover type mapping utilising GeoEye image data, enderbury Island, Republic of Kiribati

 Pacific Data Hub

Technical Note – Land cover type mapping utilising Geo Eye image data, Teraina (Washington) Island, Kiribati

 Pacific Data Hub

Technical Note – Land cover type mapping utilising Geo Eye image data, Orona Island, Kiribati

 Pacific Data Hub

Technical note - revised land cover type mapping utilising pan-sharpened quickbird image data, christmas Island, Republic of Kiribati

 Pacific Data Hub

Technical Note – Land cover type mapping utilising pan-sharpened QuickBird image data, Christmas Island, Kiribati

 Pacific Data Hub

Technical note - revised land cover type mapping utilising GeoEye image data, Vostok Island, Republic of Kiribati

 Pacific Data Hub

Technical note - revised land cover type mapping utilising pan-sharpened Quickbird image data, Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati

 Pacific Data Hub

Technical note - revised land cover type mapping utilising GeoEye image data, Tamana Island, Republic of Kiribati

 Pacific Data Hub

Technical note - land cover type mapping utilising GeoEye image data, Rawaki Island, Republic of Kiribati