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 Pacific Data Hub

The 1999 Census of Population and Housing (CPH) of the Republic of Marshall Islands (RMI)) is the tenth census conducted since 1920 and the second since RMI gained independence. The first population census in Marshall Islands was conducted in 1920, after which censuses were conducted every five years up to 1935 when World War II disrupted this pattern. The first census after World War II was in 1958, followed by censuses in 1967, 1973, 1980 and 1988.

 Pacific Data Hub

The key objective of every census is to count every person (man, woman, child) resident in the country on census night, and also collect information on assorted demographic (sex, age, marital status, citizenship) and socio-economic (education/qualifications; labour force and economic activity) information, as well as data pertinent to household and housing characteristics. This count provides a complete picture of the population make-up in each village and town, of each island and region, thus allowing for an assessment of demographic change over time.

 Pacific Data Hub

The 1996 Tokelau Census of Population and Dwellings, like the previous censuses, was conducted to provide the administration, planners and policy-makers with up-to-date statistical information on demographic and socio-economic developments. This data is needed for planning purposes, and to evaluate the success and failure of programmes and projects. The 1996 census was conductedaccording to the Tokelau Census Regulations, 1961. These regulations require a census to be carried out every five years. The previous censues was conducted in 1991.

 Pacific Data Hub

A national population census may be thought of as a “stock-taking” of the whole country, particularly of its most precious resource, its people. It is not just a count of people. Information is needed on the structure of the population for instance, the number of males and females and their ages together with a variety of other characteristics related to their civil and economic status.