25 results
 Smithsonian Institution

The Republic of the Marshall Islands requested a natural and cultural biodiversity survey of 6 northern atolls (Bok-ak, Pikaar, Toke, Wotto, Rondik, Adkup) and one reef island (Jemo) which was accomplished over 17 days in September 1988. This report covers the results of the survey of the reefs and corals during the expedition. Ninety-five marine sites were snorkeled and the shorelines of all island were surveyed during the

 Smithsonian Institution

This paper lists the vascular flora of the three atolls (Canton, Gardner, Hull) and five small islands (Birnie, Enderbury, McKean, Phoenix, Sydney) of the Phoenix Group,
located in the arid equatorial belt of the Central Pacific, based on extensive collections made in 1973 and 1975 and on previous records and collections. The flora includes 87
species in 36 families. Only 28 of the species (32%) are considered native. A further 60 species have been recorded in the literature, many of them deliberate introductions which

 Smithsonian Institution

This paper describes the channels known as hoa which are characteristic of atoll land rims and of some islands on barrier reefs, where they often dissect previously more continuous reef-top sediment accumulations and conglomerate platforms. They are

 Smithsonian Institution

Nukutipipi atoll (5 km2), of volcanic origin 16-17 million years old on the Pitcairn (hot spot) Hereheretue line, presents a land flora and fauna of low diversity but with a Pisonia forest and hundreds of resident red-tailed tropic birds. Nukutipipi suffered from the 1983 hurricanes : destruction of vegetation and motu as well as sand lagoon mollusc populations. The north and south rims present original geomorphological structures.

 Smithsonian Institution

During the period 1958-1964, the authors undertook soil and vegetation studies in the northern Marshall Islands as part of the University of Washington Radiation Biology Laboratory surveillance team. This team was responsible for monitoring levels of radiation in various components of the island environment and any effects on plant and animal life. The authors of this report were charged with the soils and vegetation components but assisted with collections in the aquatic ecosystems and some food plant materials.