15 results
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

AusAID report on PNG's Development Cooperation Strategy 2006-2010 including details on the strategy, the implementation, monitoring and evaluation as well as background papers

 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology

The NDS 2016-2035 maps out a strategic direction for the future development of Solomon Islands.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Fact Sheet - Pacific tourism depends on healthy marine ecosystems for aesthetic appeal and for the ecosystem services that support human occupation. This fact sheet links it to SDGs and brief background info on how the Pacific island countries face challenges in planning for sustainable development of infrastructure as well as sea and land uses related to tourism

 Environment and Conservation Division-MELAD

The Kiribati Ministry of Public Works and Utilities (MPWU) in collaboration with Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering (KRISO) with the support by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of the Republic of Korea proposes to install a 1 MW Ocean Thermal Conversion (OTEC) on-shore facility at Bikenibeu on South Tarawa. An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) has therefore, been commissioned by the Ministry of Public Works and Utilities (MPWU) for the proposed 1 MW OTEC facility.

 Department of Environment,  Tuvalu

This report was presented by Tuvalu during the 3rd international conference on small island developing states. It reported the status of sustainable development (SD), outlining the good progress that has been achieved in the pursuit of sustainable development as the country follows the strategies recommended by the international community for small island developing states (SIDS).

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa

Since the adoption of Agenda 21 following the United Nations Conference on Environment and development in 1992, this report constitutes the first opportunity for Samoa to assess its situation with regard to sustainable development in the past decade

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa

The Mauritius Strategy provides a framework for specific actions and measures to be taken at the national, regional and international levels in support of the sustainable development of small island developing states.

This report highlights the concrete actions taken and specific progress made in implementation; lessons learned, good practices and recent trends and emerging issues.

 NEPC - National Environment Protection Council,  Palau

This copy includes front information up to Chapter 3.

 OERC - Environmental Response and Coordination,  Palau

The Mauritius Strategy for Implementation (MSI) was adopted during the second global conference on the sustainable development of the small island developing states (SIDs). It is broad‐based. Its 20 chapters address a wide range of issues that have unique ramifications in the context of small islands. Cross-cutting issues include planning for sustainability, climate change, sea level rise, energy, transportation, communications, and information. Environmental issues include biodiversity, water and land resources, and waste management.

 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

9 page report to the UNCCC

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This NSP is a result of a national consultative process among government ministries and agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) the private sector and all relevant stakeholders, and provides a broad consensus on the necessity for Marshallese to clearly define the future of the country. The process provided the basis upon which this NSP: its Vision, Objectives, Context and Strategies were developed.

 Climate Change Directorate

An updated report that presents a brief description of comprehensive national SD policies and national SD mechanisms /frameworks that have been put into place to address sustainable development issue since the inception of BPOA in 1994.

 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

The National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS) declares the development journey for a better quality of life for every Nauruan. It is a road map that reflects the reforms needed to be put in place and the strategies for implementation, as the platform for a better life today and tomorrow.