157 results
 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

Government Report to UNCCD - prepared by the Dept. Economic Development and Environment. 2003

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

The Papua New Guinea Resource Information System (PNGRIS) is a micro-computer-based georeferenced
database containing information on natural resources, population distribution, rural land use, small-holder economic activity and land use potential (Bellamy 1986). It is compiled at 1:500 000 scale for approximately 5000 Resource Mapping Units (RMUs) covering the entire land area of Papua New Guinea (PNG).

 Asian Development Bank

The Highlands Region of Papua New Guinea (PNG), comprising of the Provinces of Western Highlands, Jiwaka, Southern Highlands, Hela, Eastern Highlands, Enga and Simbu, is a major contributor to the PNG economy through its agricultural production and mineral resources. A well maintained road network is essential to facilitate the movement of goods and people.

 Asian Development Bank

Water and Sanitation

 PNG Department of Education

A Basic Education For All (EFA) is critical if all citizens are to participate in a modern society. This is a
right for all children, both boys and girls, in Papua New Guinea as stated in the National Constitution. A
basic education is essential for the personal development of all people to provide them with the skills and
knowledge to improve their quality of life.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Trans-Island Highway Construction Project in PNG

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This NSP is a result of a national consultative process among government ministries and agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) the private sector and all relevant stakeholders, and provides a broad consensus on the necessity for Marshallese to clearly define the future of the country. The process provided the basis upon which this NSP: its Vision, Objectives, Context and Strategies were developed.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Documentation on getting started with the Inform Data Portal.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

The purpose of used lubricants and oil audit was to execute assessments on activities and services of organizations under sectors responsible in generating used lubricants and oil or its wastes in any regard. Used lubricants and oil (ULO) audit/ survey and inventory was executed under the requirements expected from the environmental audit protocol.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Application form that is required to be submitted to apply for an environment permit for any project within Papua New Guinea

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Papua New Guinea is committed to Sustainable Development through its StaRS Strategy and Vision 2050. PNG has also signed up to Rio Conventions and supplement agreements and protocols which needs monitoring and evaluation. Sustainable Development Goals are very important as it simplifies the Sustainable Development approaches.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

It is the National Integrated Water Resource Management Diagnostic Report Papua New Guinea. A Draft SOPAC Miscellaneous Report 643 involving GEF, UNDP, SOPAC and UNEP. demonstration project and production of a full brief through an extensive consultative process.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Vol 1. Policy Statement to Promoting a Viable Population and Environment within the Paradigm of Responsible Sustainable Development.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

PNG government want a responsible sustainable use of the natural and cultural resources of the country for the benefit of the present and future generations. The central theme of this new development road map presented by StaRS is to shift the country’s socio-economic growth away from the current unsustainable growth strategy that it is following and towards a road map that is truly responsible, sustainable and able to place PNG in a competitive, advantageous position into the future.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

The country has submitted its latest report using the PRAIS portal for the UNCCD. It is the latest report that was being submitted.

 PNG Department of National Planning & Monitoring

Vision 2050 is underpinned by seven Strategic Focus Areas, which are referred to as pillars:

  • Human Capital Development, Gender, Youth and People Empowerment
  • Wealth Creation
  • Institutional Development and Service Delivery
  • Security and International Relations
  • Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change
  • Spiritual, Cultural and Community Development; and
  • Strategic Planning, Integration and Control
 PNG Department of National Planning & Monitoring


 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

2005 Ok Tedi CMCA village survey for the Mineral Policy Institute
