11689 results

Marine pollution originating from purse seine and longline fishing vessel operations in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean between 2003-2015 as derived from the Form GEN-6 , a tool to monitor fishing vessel violations.

SPREP completed analysis of the marine pollution incidents reported by fisheries observers employed by the Secretariat of the Pacific Commission and Pacific Islands Foreign Fisheries Agency (SPC/FFA) as shown on the map.

The Pacific Environment Portal provides an easy way to find, access and reuse regional and national data. Our main purpose is to provide easy access and safe storage for environmental datasets to be used for monitoring, evaluating, and analysing environmental conditions and trends to support environmental planning, forecasting, and reporting requirements at all levels. This Pacific Environment Portal is part of the Pacific Data Ecosystem, a partnership between Pacific Island Countries, SPREP and SPC. Visit the Pacific Data Hub for more data.

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