12316 results
 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM

As part of the preparation of the Pacific Region Environmental Strategy (PRES) the Asian Development Bank (ADB) has funded a field study in Yap State. The objectives of the study are to evaluate:
1) how traditional systems have played a role in natural resource management and in development
2) how traditional systems could be productively integrated with contemporary approaches to resource management
3) how public-private partnerships have been employed in the development of tourism destinations in a Pacific island nation and could be employed in future development.

 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM

Under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) - member countries are implementing the PoWPA. This is FSM's Action Plan for PoWPA and Target 11. Target 11 is a contribution towards ensuring that ecosystems, species and genetic diversity are safeguarded in both the land and seascape by ensuring that key habitats are protected and that species migration and movement can occur. Protected areas are a cornerstone of 5 conservation actions and as such are one of the main tools at a country’s disposal to reduce habitat loss.

 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM

This is a continuation of the survey of islands in Micronesia for invasive plant species requested by the Pacific Islands Committee, Council of Western State Foresters in the year 2000. Information herein are valid for reporting and reference.
The objectives, as with the previous survey, were three-fold:
(1) To identify plant species on the islands that are presently causing problems to natural and semi-natural ecosystems;

 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM

A project technical report of the International Water project - the objectives are to prepare and conduct an ecological baseline survey of the nearshore reef fisheries at proposed MPA sites in each of four IWP communities in Yap and prepare a monitoring plan and support the involvement of the community in baseline assessment and monitoring work.

ISNR: Effect of environment and fishing on Albacore CPUE levels in the southern area of the Cook Islands EEZ 2012 or older

ISNR: Effect of environment and fishing on Albacore CPUE levels in the northern area of the Cook Islands EEZ



Whales found around the Cook Islands are currently considered by the IWC to be part of Breeding Stock F (IWC 2006); however, very little is known about the winter movements of these animals, and there is no information regarding where they feed in the Antarctic. Hauser et al. (2000) presented limited information on

Migratory destination of a humpbacli whale satellite-tagged in the Cook Islands 2013 or older