NZDOC Media release 28 November 2023
Physical Description: 61 p.
Ministry of Agriculture's entomologist, Mr. Mike Bowie, has sought to raise awareness on various insect species in the Cook Islands, including their features, size, and recommendations on pest control for some of the species. Hence, the release of the Bug of the Week.
Credit for these resources: Mike Bowie, Cook Islands Ministry of Agriculture.
For more information, contact Ministry of Agriculture on +682 28711
The National Environment Service hosted two half day workshops on the 7th and 8th August 2024 at the Crown Beach Resort. The purpose of the workshop was to engage stakeholders to review the current CI National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, provide an overview of the alignment to the Global Diversity Framework goals and targets. The first workshop catered to Non-government Organisations and day two included Government Agencies.
A comprehensive analysis of forest-related conditions, trends, threats, opportunities, priority areas and strategies with descriptions of the resources necessary
At the fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI 4) of the Convention on Biological Diversity
(CBD), the Parties selected 18 regional organisations spanning the globe in a multilateral push to bolster the
implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, also known as the Biodiversity Plan,
through science, technology, and innovation. These centres will bring the Parties to the CBD closer to halting and
reversing biodiversity loss by 2030. The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme was endorsed
A collection of article stories published by New Zealand Department of Conservation on the rat eradication efforts in Palmerston.
The impact of 7.3 Magnitude Earthquake on Vanuatu, Dec 17, 2024.