The full global assessment can be downloaded from the GCRMN website.
This report on the State of the Climate in South-West Pacific 2020 is the first of its kind for this region and a milestone multi-agency effort to deliver informed climate analysis and climate change trends.
Circular cover letter that was sent out on 1st December 2021
Proposed Project Objective: Enhanced use of data for decision making in the environment sector throughout the Pacific region. Building on the tools and momentum the Inform project established, this scaled up project will expand the user base and fill significant gaps including in situ monitoring, increased partnerships between the environment ministries and other ministries, increase use of spatial tools, and the establishment of standardise environmental standards and key indicators for key resources.
Focusing management efforts on thermal refugia may only be effective in the short-term. Promoting adaptation to higher temperatures and facilitating migration will instead be needed to secure coral reef survival.
The NIISP provides an investment plan based on the current condition and capacity of existing infrastructure assets, the need for services in Nauru
Nauru is a small country of around 10,200 people located on a single island in the Pacifi c Ocean. Per capita gross domestic product was estimated to be A$11,540 (approximately $10,500) in 2012 (Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacifi c 2013).1 The country is divided into 14 districts with the seat of government in the Yaren district, which also functions as the country’s de facto capital. T
A traditional sport called Ibbon Itsi is an annual competition that last about a week, where men try and catch as many frigate birds as possible. Tame frigate birds are used to lure other frigate birds.
Offshore fisheries data used for Nauru's State of Environment 2022 Report
Old black and white photograph of people fishing at Buada Lagoon
Publication contains a fisheries-oriented discussion of macroeconomics, country information on specific topics (fisheries production, contribution to GDP, etc), a discussion of important topics across all countries, some important features of the benefits from fisheries that have emerged from this study, and recommendations on improving the measurement of fisheries benefits and assuring the continuity of those benefits.
The economic contribution of fisheries to the economies of Pacific Island nations.
Survey of echinoderm diversity in Nauru. 18 species of echinoderms, most of them new records for the island. A total of 24 species of echinoderms are now known from Nauru. Six holothuroids (sea cucumbers), five echinoids (sea urchins), five asteroids (sea stars), five ophiuroids (brittle stars) and three crinoids (feather stars)
Coral reefs in the Southwest Pacific are generally in good condition. There was extensive
coral bleaching during 2000-2002. Since then coral reefs have shown highly variable recovery
with some reefs recovering fully to pre-bleaching levels of live coral cover, whereas others
have shown virtually no recovery. Nauru experienced coral bleaching and mass fish kills in
October-December 2003, possibly due to unusually high sea surface temperatures. The greatest
Synthesis of the state of marine resources in Nauru, specifically coral reef biodiversity, fauna and flora and the threat to these resources.
The current fishery characterisation includes updates to historical data, which show that 2019 was the
highest catch year in history, with catches of the four target tuna species just under 3 million tonnes (t).
We expect revisions to the 2019 catch estimates in next year's report, as estimates in the most recent
year are preliminary.
Six survey methods were applied to suit the different coastal habitats of Nauru. These were reef benthos
transects, reef front timed walks at night, manta tow, reef front timed swims in the daytime, lobster night
searches (reef front timed swims at night) and deep-water timed scuba searches. Where possible, information
from this assessment was compared with that collected during the PROCFish survey in 2005, to explore
changes in resource status over time.
8 page report:
Tridacna maxima used for adze blades
The nature of shallow aquifers and the impacts of seawater intrusion in small islands within the Pacific Ocean are reviewed. Many Pacific islands rely on shallow fresh groundwater lenses in highly permeable aquifers, underlain and surrounded by seawater, as their principal freshwater source. It is argued here that, in small islands, the nature of fresh groundwater lenses and their host aquifers coupled with frequent natural and ever-present anthropogenic threats make them some of the most vulnerable aquifer systems in the world.