11708 results

Eleven species of reptiles are reported from Nauru in the first systematic treatment of the herpetofauna. Four of the species are marine; the seven others include six lizards (four geckos, two skinks) and one snake. Gehyra mutilata

(Wiegman), G. oceanica (Lesson), Pelamis platura (Linnaeus), and Ramphotyphlops braminus (Daudin) are recorded on Nauru for the first time. With the exception of Emoia arnoensis Brown & Marshall, which is endemic to eastern

The sport called Ibbon Itsi is a competition between tow groups of men who, tow or three times a year, spend about a week attempting to catch as many frigate-birds as possible. To enable this competition to take place, tame birds have to be sustained throughout the year. 

From time immemorial it has been the ambition of every Nauruan youth to excel in the snaring of the 'iti', or frigate bird. In the old, far-off days, before the coming of the white man, prowess in capture of the iti was one of the many strenuous tests which marked the transition from youth into manhood, and failure to  acquit oneself creditably meant disgrace. 

The ant fauna of Micronesia as determined from museum specimens and from collections mainly on Pohnpei Island is presented here. Around 111 species are found in the region, many of which appear to be island endemics. Palau, Pohnpei, and the Marianas rank the highest in species diversity, with Pohnpei and Palau being especially

This compilation is the result of a joint effort between the various Government of Nauru departments and sectors including nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) such as Atoll Research Programme and USP Extension Services.

Eleven species of reptiles are reported from Nauru in the first systematic treatment of the herpetofauna. Four of the species are marine; the seven others include six lizards (four geckos, two skinks) and one snake. Gehyra mutilata

(Wiegman), G. oceanica (Lesson), Pelamis platura (Linnaeus), and Ramphotyphlops braminus (Daudin) are recorded on Nauru for the first time. With the exception of Emoia arnoensis Brown & Marshall, which is endemic to eastern

Graph of water temperatures from 1993 to 2021 downloaded from the BOM website

Sealevel data from 1993 to 2021 downloaded from BOM. Graph

Number of Permits and Consents issued by NES within Jan - Mar 2018 by Vaka. Includes building permits, consents and permits for EIAs


Dominant sources of GHGs in the Cook Islands, 2006. (Cook Islands Second National Communication under the UNFCCC, 2011)

Food and live animals imported and exported 2005-2013

Forest Area from Source: Oliver, W. 1999 in FAO Global Forest Resource Assessment 2010, Cook Islands.