This dataset contains the raw data collected for the Kiribati waste audit undertaken by APWC conducted on South Tarawa, Abaiang and Maiana funded by the World Bank
This dataset contains the raw data collected for the Samoa waste audit undertaken by APWC conducted on Upolu and Savai'i and funded by the World Bank
Map showing the EEZ of the Pacific
This report presents the findings of the landfill audit undertaken for Vanuatu. The methodology applied for this landfill audit was as per the Waste Audit Methodology – a step-by-step manual to conduct comprehensive waste audits in SIDs, produced by PRIF.
The waste audit was undertaken with support from Port Vila Municipal Council and Luganville Municipal Council in close collaboration with APWC (remotely) supporting the delivery of the waste audit and other key stakeholders. The audit took place from 9 to 30 October 2020 and the results are presented in this report.
There are 14 terrestrial PAs, which total at least 1407.2 hectares (five PAs are uncalculated), or about six per cent of the Cook Islands’ total 240 km2 land mass. Terrestrial PA are concentrated in a few locations. Three of the 15 islands in Cook Islands are wildlife reserves (Suwarrow, Takutea and Manuae), almost 40% of the terrestrial PAs are represented by four motu on Pukapuka, and three of Rarotonga’s four PAs make up 36% of total terrestrial PAs.
The waste audit was undertaken by Nauru Rehabilitation Corporation and the Department of Commerce, Industry and Environment for Nauru in close collaboration with T+TI (remotely) supporting the delivery of the waste audit and other key stakeholders. The audit took place from 7 to 15 December 2020, excluding 13 December 2020.
This assessment provides the broad findings of the research and investigation undertaken by the UoM team in relation to Kiribati. It provides:
The dataset contains a range of different Pacific regional maps developed by the SPREP GIS team and is available for use by members and partners.
This dataset has capacity building training materials for officers in Cook Islands on how to operate this portal.
- Presentations
- Exercises
This dataset has all icons for Multilateral Environment Agreements such as SDGs and Aichi
This guide introduces environmental indicators and provides an overview of SPREP’S core indicators for Pacific island countries. In 2012, the SPREP members approved the development of a set of standardised indicators for use by member countries at the SPREP meeting. Through the Inform project, SPREP programmes then developed a set of 34 indicators that was endorsed by members at the 2018 SPREP meeting. This document explains the development and use of environmental indicators in Part 1 and provides a summary of each of the 34 ‘core’ indicators in Part 2.
The Strandings of Oceania database is a collaborative project between SPREP, WildMe and the South Pacific Whale Research Consortium to record stranding and beachcast data for whales, dolphins and dugongs throughout the Pacific. We use a platform called Flukebook. An account is needed to view or use data within Flukebook but the data is available for download here. You can submit data direct into Flukebook (preferably while logged in) or send a completed data form to SPREP for upload. Guidance on using the database is available :
"Comparison of the average hard coral cover between the three five-year periods comprising the last 15 years (2005-09, 2010-14, 2015-19, Tab. 9.3) indicated that there was a high degree of confidence (93%) in the long-term decline, despite the uncertainty in individual yearly estimates. Further, the vast majority (90%) of this decline occurred between 2010-14 and 2015-19, suggesting that the rate of decline in hard coral cover has accelerated during the last five years"
"Comparison of the average hard coral cover between the three five-year periods comprising the last 15 years (2005-09, 2010-14, 2015-19, Tab. 9.3) indicated that there was a high degree of confidence (93%) in the long-term decline, despite the uncertainty in individual yearly estimates. Further, the vast majority (90%) of this decline occurred between 2010-14 and 2015-19, suggesting that the rate of decline in hard coral cover has accelerated during the last five years"
Under the PacWaste Project - this dataset has raw data from a waste audit survey by Tonkin & Taylor for Cook Islands
OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a free, editable map & spatial database of the whole world. This dataset is an extract of OpenStreetMap data for American Samoa in a GIS-friendly format.
The OSM data has been split into separate layers based on themes (buildings, roads, points of interest, etc), and it comes bundled with a QGIS project and styles, to help you get started with using the data in your maps. This OSM product will be updated weekly.