A global review of species-specific shark-fin-to-body-mass ratios and relevant legislation
Fisheries of the Pacific Islands Regional and national information 2011
Pacific Regional Solid Waste Management Strategy 2010 – 2015
Current state of knowledge of cetacean threats, diversity and habitats in the Pacifc island region
reen Turtle Nesting Sites and Sea Turtle Legislation throughout Oceania 2010
Sea Turtles As a Flagship Species: Different Perspectives Create Conflicts in the Pacific Islands 2005
Water quality studies in Pacific Lagoons UNEP 1991
Status of Coral Reefs of the Pacific and Outlook: 2011
ADB Fisheries in the economies of the Pacific Island Countries and Territories 2009
Tuna Fisheries Status and Management in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean by Hampton SPC 2011
A global review of species-specific shark-fin-to-body-mass ratios and relevant legislation 2012
This Kit comprises a wide range of information ranging from practical help with the nuts and bolts of recycling
different materials, all the way through information about toxic wastes and landfills, to Deposit Refund systems for collecting recyclables, legislation and planning waste strategies. Also included are tips on public awareness campaigning, recycling equipment, and the road to a Zero Waste world.
These guidelines aim to highlight the risks of biological invasion by species introduced for biofuels production and to provide constructive recommendations on how to prevent the introduction, establishment and spread of invasive species resulting from biofuel developments
The Coral Triangle is a marine area located in the western Pacific Ocean. It includes the waters of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste and Solomon Islands.
This book provides a comprehensive summary of the current status of six different MPA networks and their complexities. It analyzes MPA networks through their various stages of development including planning and design, implementation and evaluation as they are emerging within and around the Coral Triangle.
Integrated Island Management (IIM), responds to the unique circumstances of small island ecosystems through development of holistic integrated management systems that operate at the scale of ecological, social or physical processes within, and to, islands.
This report highlights the principals and lessons learned with case studies on IIM
This guidance offers no judgment on the type of method best suited to any particular Nation, but identifies some of the options available for consideration in materials dumping at sea. The purpose is to make available the guide lines for the assessment of dumping of materials.