Annual rainfall for Majuro and Kwajalein. Units are in millimeters (1945-2013)
This report provides a detailed assessment of the Majuro water sector, and the vulnerability of four critical water infrastructures to projected climate change impacts. This report also provides recommendations for redesigning and retrofitting the existing water infrastructure so as to better prepare for current climate variability and future climate change risks.
The entire list of 563 plants is provided in this report to give the people a means of gaining a better understanding of the nature of the plants of Majuro Atoll. It includes a listing of all species, notation as to origin (i.e. indigenous, aboriginal introduction, recent introduction), as well as the original range of each.
this report is an overview on the radioactive fallout (ie : terrestrial contamination) on Bikini atoll form nuclear testing
Pic 1 : Enewetak before the atomic testings
Pic 2 : The crater formed by the Ivy Mike nuclear test can be seen on the northeast cape of the atoll
Images from November 1979 during tropical Storm Alice approached the Marshall Islands
This report identifies specific missing links that must be addressed and essential actions to improve and sustain renewable energy services in the country
This report is specific to the energy situation of the Marshall Islands
The National Environment Management Strategy 2017–2022 is a commitment by the Republic of the Marshall Islands to conserve and improve its environment for current and future generations
The forest resource assessment of RMI conducted by the Forestry Department of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2010
a survey of mangrove resources of Ailuk atoll
A report that was prepared with recommendation presented to the Food and Agriculture Organization
The NSP is designed as a framework to coordinate the articulated medium term development goals and
objectives of the RMI government at the national level
This review attempts to identify gaps and then make recommendations for relevant legislation to improve and/or clarify existing ones and improve protection/management of marine turtle