12332 results

Graphs and tables quantifying the distribution of livestock and seedlings to the outer islands through the Livestock Project and Horticulture Project by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Commerce and the Taiwan Technical Mission.

List of conservation areas with area protected and management plan status within the RMI as of September 24, 2020.

Map of protected areas within RMI produced by MIMRA.

Marshallese-English dictionary at Marshallese.org

The Marshallese-English Online Dictionary (MOD) is a revised and expanded electronic edition of the Marshallese-English Dictionary (MED below), developed in 2009.

Naan Marshallese-English Dictionary last updated in 2013 and contains a user manual on the website.

Original Data at 231 m resolution (Trop-SubTrop_PeatDepthV2_2016_CIFOR   (40° N to 60° S; 180° E to -180° W)) was derived using hydrological model, soil moisture and geo-morphological data. There are some errors to note especially  overestimation of depth therefore all depths >10m have been thresholded to 10m.The Peat Depth Class from 1-10 meters were combined as one data then clipped to PNG Coastline for the overlaying exercise. This work is still in its premature stage.


The purpose of this report is to plot series of programs that will enable the PNG National Museum and Art Gallery to develop the competencies, procedures and approaches and necessary to carry out this function in a sustainable manner so it can preserve the Kokoda and WW2 collections. This report is also aimed at identifying the priorities in the Kokoda Collection.

Author : David Hallam

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

This technical note is intended to support climate risk assessment (CRA) experts, in particular, those undertaking the early stages of project development. Time and resources could be saved by attaching this document to terms of reference issued to CRA consultants. However, there is a limit to which globally accessible, open source
data can meet the detailed information needs of local adaptation projects. This note supplements rather than replaces efforts to gather relevant climate information from government agencies and counterparts, especially during the project concept phase.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

The Economics of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Coral Triangle (EFACT) is the first report of its kind that consolidates primary and secondary information on fisheries and aquaculture using a regional lens and analytical tools from economics. The EFACT is an output of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) technical assistance—Regional Cooperation on Knowledge Management, Policy, and Institutional Support to the Coral
Triangle Initiative (CTI).

 Asian Development Bank

The economic growth outlook for developing Asia remains vibrant. AsianDevelopment Outlook 2018 foresees continued momentum after growth accelerated to 6.1% in 2017. The region is expected to expand by 6.0% in

 Climate Change and Development Authority in PNG

The 14 developing member countries (DMCs) of the Pacific Department of the Asi an Development Bank (ADB) cover a wide diversity. Populations range from the top three countries, representing 87% of the region’s population, to the remaining 11 countries, with a total of less than 1.5 million people. The region covers 15% of the globe’s surface, with remote countries ranging from large single landmass entities to smaller countries covering over 900 islands.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

In Papua New Guinea (PNG), many coastal communities depend on mangroves for their livelihood. Mangrove trees have been harvested over generations for construction materials and firewood. Mangroves provide a habitat for fish, crabs, shellfish, birds, and reptiles. Mangroves also provide a natural defense against storm surges, coastal erosion, and coastal flooding. An analysis conducted by government’s limate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) has highlighted community-based mangrove planting as a cost-effective measure for coastal communities.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Papua New Guinea is committed to the establishment of a network of marine protected areas
to fulfil national and international commitments. In order to assist this, the conservation
priority areas analysis identified a range of areas of high conservation interest in the PNG
marine environment, based on the principles of comprehensiveness, adequacy,
representation and resilience (CARR). The analysis collated available national-scale data on
biodiversity features and biodiversity surrogates.

 Papua New Guinea Forest Industries Association (Inc)

The Monitor provides an update of developments in Pacific economies and explores topical policy issues.

 Asian Development Bank

Latest update on PAcific Countries and their economy by the Asian Development Bank

 Asian Development Bank

Various report by Asian Development Bank across various sectors in Papua New Guinea

 Asian Development Bank

The National Airports Corporation (NAC) is the executing Agency (EA) of the Civil Aviation Development Investment Program (CADIP) in Papua New Guinea. The EA has set up a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) headed by a Program Director to implement CADIP. The PIU is comprised of a team of designated designed engineers and other support staff for the initial scoping of works to design and planning (including tendering processes) to the execution of the civil works and reporting to the stake holders. CADIP ensures compliance to ADB and GoPNG requirements at all times.

 Asian Development Bank

The Highlands Region of Papua New Guinea (PNG), comprising of the Provinces of Western Highlands, Jiwaka, Southern Highlands, Hela, Eastern Highlands, Enga and Simbu, is a major contributor to the PNG economy through its agricultural production and mineral resources. A well maintained road network is essential to facilitate the movement of goods and people.
