Map of the protected areas for the southeast provinces of Papua New Guinea with country-level summary statistics on the amount of area under protection, count for each type of protected area (terrestrial or marine), and the count of their designation.
Map of the protected areas for the southwest provinces of Papua New Guinea with country-level summary statistics on the amount of area under protection, count for each type of protected area (terrestrial or marine), and the count of their designation.
Map of the protected areas for the southwest provinces of Papua New Guinea with country-level summary statistics on the amount of area under protection, count for each type of protected area (terrestrial or marine), and the count of their designation.
PNG is committed to taking action on climate change as part of its climate compatible approach to development.
The mammals collected on the Chevert Expedition in 1875 are discussed on the basis of information in William Macleay’s journal, Lawrence Hargrave’s diary and old newspaper articles. William Petterd’s published reports give the collection location of the type specimen of Isoodon macrourus moresbyensis. Other collections are discussed, including kangaroos Dorcopsis luctuosa and Macropus agilis specimens of which reside in the Macleay Museum but cannot be confi rmed as collected by the Chevert Expedition.
Resource contains raster files for a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and derived hillshade for Papua New Guinea.
The ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) Version 3 (ASTGTM) provides a global digital elevation model (DEM) of land areas on Earth at a spatial resolution of 1 arc second (approximately 30 meter horizontal posting at the equator).
This report stems from a simple observation: that since Independence in 1975, Papua New Guinea’s economic and
social development outcomes have not matched people’s aspirations or government promises. Indeed, despite
the abundance of its riches, PNG lags behind its Pacific neighbours on many important development indicators.
This report provides a concise summary of the processes and outcomes for planning and development of the conservation Blueprint for the Kikori River Basin landscape. The planning and development exercise was concluded in December 2011 providing the most complete data analysis on available conservation and biodiversity information for the provincial land-use plans in the Kikori River Basin landscape for the local level governments and provincial governments of Gulf, Southern Highlands,Hela and Enga
Only 10 percent of the population in Papua New Guinea (PNG) has access to the national electricity grid, leaving 6.3 million people without access to the energy needed to meet their basic needs. Lack of reliable lighting limits people’s ability to undertake daily activities like household chores, reading, schoolwork, and conducting business outside of daylight hours.
Pacific Island states are some of the most vulnerable nations in the world when it comes to the impact of climate
change. As yet, none of the Pacific Island States have any operational coal mines or coal-fired power stations. However, this could all soon change.
This resource contains 30-meter resolution satellite imagery for Papua New Guinea. The imagery was collected during the years 2018-2020 from the Landsat-8 satellite. Images were selected for their visibility, however there is cloud cover present in the final images due to the size of Papua New Guinea and availability of datasets. This imagery should be used for guidance only and cited as "Landsat-8 image courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey" if used in any presentations or other work.
The Papua New Guinea National Action Plan was initiated and developed for a 10 year timeframe through a series of stakeholder consultations and workshops in 2012, and this process further continued in 2017. The main underlying focus of the National Action Plan is on the wise application and development of integrated and sustainable land management approaches and practices.
Information Bulletin, Environment Permit Application, Additional Information Schedule 2.
The Guideline is intended to assist and guide prospective developers (or their consultants) with an intention to carry out Level 3 activities in Papua New Guinea ("PNG"), to meet their legal obligations under Section 51 and Section 53 of Environment Act 2000 (the "Act"). The Act gives effect to the National Goals and Directive Principles in the National Constitution, in particular the fourth goal on Natural Resources and Environment.
This is the PNG Hydrometric Network
This [Environmental Impact Statement](, including the Executive Summary, and all chapters of and attachments and appendices to it and all drawings, plans, models, designs, specifications, reports, photographs, surveys, calculations and other data and information in any format contained and/or referenced in it, is together with this disclaimer referred to as the “EIS”.
Maximum, minimum and discharge flow data are in cubic feet except the latter which is in acre feet. Conversion to cubic meters must be done for comparison with the Bureau of water Resources Data (up to 1996) or the recent ones.
Data were initially extracted from pdf to excel. Weeks of cross-referencing were done with eventually conversion to ArcGIS via csv. Table of Attributes for each location are in Cubic Feet (Minimum and Maximum Flow), Acre Feet (Discharge) (prior to 1964) and Cubic Meters (recent units). Note : Data in shape-files and MapInfo Tables are also available.
Mean, maximum, minimum, monthly, and deity peak or lowest peak for water discharge by rivers and creeks in cubic metres per seconds (m3/s) in PNG between 1952 and 1964. Adapted from Commonwealth of Australia, Department at Works (CADoW) (1967) 0 = insufficient data. Data extracted from PNG SOE Report (page 198). Note: converted from pdf to excel format.