12340 results

This dataset contains economic information for catch and catch vessels in the Asia and Pacific region, including country-level data on Solomon Islands.

The Solomon Islands Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources published these statistics on marine exports from 2011-2015.

This is a SIWSAP potable water feasibility map of the Aorigi community on Santa Catalina Island in Solomon Islands.

This is a SIWSAP potable water feasibility map of Manoaba Island in Solomon Islands.

This is a SIWSAP potable water feasibility map of Fenualoa Island in Solomon Islands.

Official DKAN data portal user manual.

User Guide on getting started with the Inform Data portal

This PER considers logging operation that Southern Forest Industry has proposed to undertake in its concession areas in west Are'are, Malaita Province. The operation will be undertaken on Hahonanihau, Hunanara and Horonaria Customary lands

This Public Environment Report considers logging operations that Maximus International proposes to undertake in its timber concession area on vella la vella , Western Province.

This PER considers logging opeartions on two registered perpetual estate /land in South Choisuel namely Saraluti and Nsingunu. The developer is Treasury Timber Company Limited.

Excel spread sheet of waste data for commercial business sector in Buala in 2014.

This is a Chart which illustrates the different types of wastes composed in the household waste stream in Buala in 2014.

This is a report on the workshop /program which was conducted in Taro , Choiseul Province in 2015.