This selection includes data related to SPC member countries and territories for some of the indicators available in the original database published by the World Bank.
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This selection includes data related to SPC member countries and territories for some of the indicators available in the original database published by the World Bank.
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This selection includes data related to SPC member countries and territories for some of the indicators available in the original database published by the World Bank.
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This dataset provided by SPREP contains per capita generation of municipal solid waste for 21 Pacific islands countries and territories.
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Vital statistics accumulate data collected on live births, deaths, fetal deaths, marriages and divorces.
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This table regroups a series of indicators related to violence against women collected from various sources (national surveys, international databases).
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This selection includes data related to SPC member countries and territories for some of the indicators available in the original database published by the UPU.
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Selection of thematic education indicators from UIS (UNESCO) for Pacific Island Countries.
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Data on digital economy collected from UNCTAD, includes figures about trade in ICT products and services for Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs).
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This dataset provides gross international tourism earnings for Pacific Islands Countries and Territories (PICTs) in domestic currencies and in US dollar, it also provides amounts per visitor and as percentage of GDP.
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Selection of indicators for measuring and monitoring socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on economies of the Pacific region.
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Total reserves in months of imports of goods and services
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Number and rate of persons held in prisons from United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) for Pacific Islands Countries and Territories.
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Proportion of population living in Urban and Rural areas for the Pacific Island and Territories. The Degree of Urbanization classifies the entire territory of a country along the urban-rural continuum.
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Population structure by sex contains a series of sex-related indicators derived from population projections.
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Population projections for Pacific Island Countries and territories from 1950 to 2050, by sex and by 5-years age groups.
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Proportion of population in Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTs) living in Low Elevation Coastal Zones (LECZ) of 0-10 and 0-20 meters above sea level. LECZ were delineated using the bathub method overlaid on the Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) Global Digital Surface Model (AW3D30). Populations within the LECZs were estimated using the Pacific Community (SPC) Statistics for Development Division’s 100m2 population grids.
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Population densities for Pacific Island Countries and Territories based on mid-year population projections and available informaiton about land area.
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Proportion of population living in 1, 5 and 10km buffer zones for Pacific Island Countries and Territories, determined using most recent Population and Housing Census. Number of people living in 1,5 and 10km buffer zones determined by apportioning population projections.
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Population structure by age contains a series of age-related indicators derived from population projections.
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