Contains the polyline layer in kml format. It can be opened in Google Earth and QGIS.
This is the zipped shapefile for the Asia Pacific EEZ only. Can open in GIS softwares.
This is the kml file for the Asia Pacific EEZ only. Can open in GoogleEarth.
The exclusive economic zone of Samoa comprises those areas of the sea, sea bed, and subsoil that are beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea
Table extracted from the "Local Fisheries Regulations 1995" that details the minimum size of fish which may be sold or caught.
Table extracted from the Local Fisheries Regulations 1995 - listing the fish and invertebrates prohibited for sale
Table extracted from the Local Fisheries Regulations 1995 - this specifies the species of fish in respect of which the Director may declare a period or periods when fishing for such species is prohibited.
In December 2017 the 100 Island Challenge partnered with American Samoa Department of Marine & Wildlife Resources Coral Reef Advisory Group to survey reefs around the islands of Savai'i and Upolu of Samoa.
Direct link to all of Samoa's species occurrences on GBIF records
Link to the Samoa's datasets hosted on GBIF website
"This document represents a concise but nevertheless comprehensive report on the State of the Environment in Western Samoa. It was prepared as supporting documentation to the National Environment and Development Management Strategies document and process which culminated in Cabinet-endorsed strategies aimed at ensuring that present and future development activities within Western Samoa are undertaken with all due consideration for sustaining environmental quality. This State of Environment Report was one of several documents prepared for this process."
The 2006 State of Environment Report (SOE) Report illustrates very clearly Samoa‟s environmental
vulnerabilities and challenges, as well as supporting the creation of a more enabling sustainable
development environment. Much of this Report, however, summarizes the current state of knowledge
about the environment of Samoa. It instigates the move towards identifying Sustainable
Environmental Management (SEM) indicators, and then covers them separately in the areas of
Reviewing and reporting the state of the environment of Samoa is an important part of the government’s mandate for achieving environmentally sound and sustainable development. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) is entrusted with the responsibility of coordinating the monitoring and review of the state of Samoa’s environment with the cooperation and support of its stakeholders in line Ministries, Non-Governmental Organisations and the wider community.
direct internet link to Samoa's climate change data portal.