12388 results

A five year strategic plan that entails the work of the Protected Areas Network covering a span of tasks from ridge to reef.  The strategic plan is reflected in the work of each PAN state in the workplans produced by state PAN Coordinators or managers that oversee the operations within all PAN sites.  Strategies regarding enforcement of marine protected areas and terrestrial PAN sites, state coordinator roles and responsibilities as well as the rangers duties and responsibilities are all incorporated into the plan.

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa

In this Fourth SOE Report, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment adopted the DriversPressures-State-Indicator-Response (DPSIR) Framework to assess the four main Thematic Areas namely the Natural Environment, Built Environment, Atmosphere & Climate Change and Environment Governance. Each theme comprises of several indicators that are assessed accordingly based on the tool used.

 Pacific Data Hub

_Find more Pacific data on [PDH.stat](https://stats.pacificdata.org)._

 NEPC - National Environment Protection Council,  Palau

The Goals for the 2005 National Youth Policy are to 1) Empower youth to become productive and contributing members of the community and 2) to Create a System of Access for public services and national resources. The Policy was endorsed by Executive Order 223 (addendum).

 Pacific Data Hub

Estimated fisheries and aquaculture production by country for 2021. These data are taken from the report [Fisheries in the economies of Pacific Island countries and territories (Benefish Study 4)](https://www.spc.int/digitallibrary/get/ppizh).

* Production value is provided in USD, converted from national currency using the average exchange rate to 1 USD for 2021.

* The total weight and value of production are estimated using available data and the various assumptions described in the report.

 Pacific Data Hub

Production estimée de la pêche et de l'aquaculture par pays pour l'année 2021. Ces données sont extraites du rapport [Fisheries in the economies of Pacific Island countries and territories (Benefish Study 4)](https://www.spc.int/digitallibrary/get/ppizh).

* La valeur de la production est indiquée en USD, convertie à partir de la devise nationale en utilisant le taux de change moyen pour 1 USD pour 2021.

 Pacific Data Hub

Estimated fisheries and aquaculture production by country for 2014. These data are taken from the report [Fisheries in the economies of Pacific Island countries and territories (Benefish Study 4)](https://www.spc.int/digitallibrary/get/ppizh).

* Production value is provided in USD, converted from national currency using the average exchange rate to 1 USD for 2014.

* The total weight and value of production are estimated using available data and the various assumptions described in the report.

 Pacific Data Hub

Production estimée de la pêche et de l'aquaculture par pays pour l'année 2014. Ces données sont extraites du rapport [Fisheries in the economies of Pacific Island countries and territories (Benefish Study 4)](https://www.spc.int/digitallibrary/get/ppizh).

* La valeur de la production est indiquée en USD, convertie à partir de la devise nationale en utilisant le taux de change moyen pour 1 USD pour 2014.

 Pacific Data Hub

Production estimée de la pêche et de l'aquaculture par pays pour l'année 2007. Ces données sont extraites du rapport [Fisheries in the economies of Pacific Island countries and territories (Benefish Study 4)](https://www.spc.int/digitallibrary/get/ppizh).

* La valeur de la production est indiquée en USD, convertie à partir de la devise nationale en utilisant le taux de change moyen pour 1 USD pour 2007.

 Pacific Data Hub

Estimated fisheries and aquaculture production by country for 2007. These data are taken from the report [Fisheries in the economies of Pacific Island countries and territories (Benefish Study 4)](https://www.spc.int/digitallibrary/get/ppizh).

* Production value is provided in USD, converted from national currency using the average exchange rate to 1 USD for 2007.

* The total weight and value of production are estimated using available data and the various assumptions described in the report.

 Pacific Data Hub

Estimated fisheries and aquaculture production by country for 1999. These data are taken from the report [Fisheries in the economies of Pacific Island countries and territories (Benefish Study 4)](https://www.spc.int/digitallibrary/get/ppizh).

* Production value is provided in USD, converted from national currency using the average exchange rate to 1 USD for 1999.

* The total weight and value of production are estimated using available data and the various assumptions described in the report.

 Pacific Data Hub

Production estimée de la pêche et de l'aquaculture par pays pour l'année 1999. Ces données sont extraites du rapport [Fisheries in the economies of Pacific Island countries and territories (Benefish Study 4)](https://www.spc.int/digitallibrary/get/ppizh).

* La valeur de la production est indiquée en USD, convertie à partir de la devise nationale en utilisant le taux de change moyen pour 1 USD pour 1999.

 Pacific Data Hub

Volume et valeur des exportations de pêche et d'aquaculture par pays pour l'année 2021. Ces données sont extraites du rapport [Fisheries in the economies of Pacific Island countries and territories (Benefish Study 4)](https://www.spc.int/digitallibrary/get/ppizh).

 Pacific Data Hub

Fisheries and aquaculture exports volume and value by country for year 2021. These data are taken from the report [Fisheries in the economies of Pacific Island countries and territories (Benefish Study 4)](https://www.spc.int/digitallibrary/get/ppizh).

 Pacific Data Hub

Production estimée de la pêche et de l'aquaculture par pays pour l'année 2021. Ces données sont extraites du rapport [Fisheries in the economies of Pacific Island countries and territories (Benefish Study 4)](https://www.spc.int/digitallibrary/get/ppizh).

* La valeur de la production est donnée en monnaie nationale et peut être convertie en USD en utilisant le taux de change moyen pour 1 USD pour l'année 2021.

 Pacific Data Hub

Estimated fisheries and aquaculture production by country for 2021. These data are taken from the report [Fisheries in the economies of Pacific Island countries and territories (Benefish Study 4)](https://www.spc.int/digitallibrary/get/ppizh).

* The value of production is given in national currency and can be converted into USD using the average exchange rate for 1 USD for 2021.

* The total weight and value of production are estimated using available data and the various assumptions described in the report.

 Pacific Data Hub

Estimated fisheries and aquaculture production by country for 2014. These data are taken from the report [Fisheries in the economies of Pacific Island countries and territories (Benefish Study 4)](https://www.spc.int/digitallibrary/get/ppizh).

* The value of production is given in national currency and can be converted into USD using the average exchange rate for 1 USD for 2014.

* The total weight and value of production are estimated using available data and the various assumptions described in the report.

 Pacific Data Hub

Production estimée de la pêche et de l'aquaculture par pays pour l'année 2014. Ces données sont extraites du rapport [Fisheries in the economies of Pacific Island countries and territories (Benefish Study 4)](https://www.spc.int/digitallibrary/get/ppizh).

* La valeur de la production est donnée en monnaie nationale et peut être convertie en USD en utilisant le taux de change moyen pour 1 USD pour l'année 2014.

 Pacific Data Hub

Production estimée de la pêche et de l'aquaculture par pays pour l'année 2007. Ces données sont extraites du rapport [Fisheries in the economies of Pacific Island countries and territories (Benefish Study 4)](https://www.spc.int/digitallibrary/get/ppizh).

* La valeur de la production est donnée en monnaie nationale et peut être convertie en USD en utilisant le taux de change moyen pour 1 USD pour l'année 2007.

 Pacific Data Hub

Estimated fisheries and aquaculture production by country for 2007. These data are taken from the report [Fisheries in the economies of Pacific Island countries and territories (Benefish Study 4)](https://www.spc.int/digitallibrary/get/ppizh).

* The value of production is given in national currency and can be converted into USD using the average exchange rate for 1 USD for 2007.

* The total weight and value of production are estimated using available data and the various assumptions described in the report.