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 Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)

This Strategic Plan for the Regional Maritime Programme (RMP) of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) follows on from RMP's Three year strategic plan 2003 to 2005. It builds on
achievements of the previous plan period and sets out the direction of the Programme over the next five years (2006 to 2010).

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 14 p.

 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

The strategic directions, listed below, aim at strengthening the Regional Seas Programme (RSP) at the global level. They are intended to complement the implementation of the programmes of
work of the individual Regional Seas, as well as the decisions of the governing bodies of the Regional Seas Conventions and Action Programmes. They provide an opportunity to improve
efficiency, individually and collectively, in the RSPs, increase cooperation, and incorporate new elements in future programmes of work.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

As part of the monitoring and evaluation process for the implementation of the Pacific Regional Solid Waste Management Strategy, the Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA) and the Secretariat for the Pacific Regional Environment Program
(SPREP) convened a meeting for senior waste management representatives of Australia, the Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu

 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

The World's oceans play a crucial role for life on the planet.
Healthy seas and the services they provide are key to the future
development of mankind. Our seas are highly dynamic, structured and complex systems. The seafloor consists of vast shelves
and plains with huge mountains, canyons and trenches which
dwarf similar structures on land. Ocean currents transport water
masses many times larger than all rivers on Earth combined.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

ISBN/ISSN: 978-82-7701-048-9


GOOS is being implemented in the Pacific islands region by PacificGOOS, which was formed in Suva in 1998. In August 2000, in Apia, Samoa, PacificGOOS held a regional workshop on the development of a coastal Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) for the Pacific region. This workshop aimed to raise the level of awareness about PacificGOOS and its value for sustainable


The GOOS Capacity Building Workshop for the Pacific was identified in the GOOS 1998 Plan and it was approved by the IOC Assembly in 1997 and the SOPAC Annual Session in 1997. The IOC and SOPAC were co-sponsors of the workshop and its preparation was co-ordinated by Jan Stel (Chair), William Erb (IOC) and Alf Simpson, Russell Howorth and Andrew Butcher of SOPAC.

 Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC) of SPC

Water resources are finite and fragile, and yet they are under increasing pressure from population growth, urbanisation, economic development and other forces. This is especially true even in the small islands of the Pacific. Different uses of water are interlinked and interdependent. It is important therefore to take a holistic approach to the management of water resources. These are the underlying principles of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).

Available online|Draft version 3.0

Call Number: [EL]

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

The report on a new regional institutional framework was commissioned by the Pacific Plan Action Committee (PPAC). The aim in doing so was to present the report to Pacific Islands Forum Leaders at their October 2006 meeting, after PPAC had considered it in August 2006 in Nadi,Fiji Islands.

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

The main map shows that higher population densities occur (i) around and inland from major coastal towns, (ii) in the elevated PNG Highlands (H) and the Baliem Valley (B) of Papua, and (iii) along most of the coasts of the mainland and major islands. The distributions of inhabited places and of annual fires reveal that people and their effects are widely dispersed across much of the landscape. However, vast landscapes in the upper catchments of the Mamberamo River (M) in Papua and in parts of the upper Fly River (F) and Sepik River (S) in PNG remain sparsely inhabited.


The report on a new regional instimtional framework was commissioned by the Pacific Plan Action Committee (PPAC). The aim in doing so was to present the report to Pacific Islands Fonim Leaders at their October 2006 meeting, after PPAC had considered it in August 2006 in Nadi, Fiji Islands.

 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

This document outlines the analytical framework for an OECD project on Development and Climate Change. A three-tier framework is also described for the project case studies that will provide a country-level overview of principal climate change impacts and vulnerabilities, followed by an in-depth analysis at a sectoral or regional/local level on how climate responses could be mainstreamed into particular development policies and projects.

 National Museum of Natural History

Williamson and Sabath (1982) have demonstrated a significant relationship between modern population size and environment by examining atoll area and rainfall in the Marshall Islands. The present work seeks to extend that argument into prehistory by examining the relationship of ancient habitation sites and size of aroid pit agricultural systems to atoll land area and rainfall regime along the 1,500-3,500 mm precipitation gradient in the Marshall Islands.

 National Museum of Natural History

Henderson island, a World Heritage Site in the Pitcairn group, south-central Pacific Ocean, has often been thought to have a pristine vegetation. Our archaeological investigations and field observations in 1991-1992, supported by recent observations in
1997, suggest the occurrence of former areas of Polynesian cultivation near to the North and East Beaches, and indicate that about 17 non-native vascular plant taxa have occurred.

 Smithsonian Institution

The study of dispersal processes of small mammals, and especially of rodents, has a wide range of applications and until recent years there were few publications discussing the
colonisation of 'oceanic' islands by small mammals (cf. Crowell, 1986; Diamond, 1987; Hanski, 1986;Heany, 1986; Lomolino, 1986).

 Smithsonian Institution

Several large regions of the world are plagued by
conservation problems shaped around a particular inherent
set of geographical, biological and human conditions which
have been operational for varying periods of time. Typical
of situations facing Latin America are the progress of
economic development in Amazonia with its attendant loss of
rainforest biodiversity, and the Central American
"hamburger connection" involving conversion of forests to
grazing land to support the export of cheap beef to the

 The Smithsonian Institution

The Tokelau Islands consist of three atolls (Atafu, Nukunonu and Fakaofo) approximately 500 km north of Western Samoa. Their numerous islets are formed mainly of coral sand and rubble with no standing freshwater. Sixty-one plant species have been recorded, 13 of these being introduced and 10 being adventives. There are three vegetation zones, the beach, the beach-crest, and the interior coconut/fern zone with the physiognomy of a humid tropical forest. Marine invertebrates have not been studied.

 The Smithsonian Institution

At the time of the POBSP visit, cats (Felis domestica), dogs

 The University of Georgia

Conservation biology involves protection and management of biodiversity (Metfe and Carroll 1994). This integrated discipline requires both an understanding of an ecosystem and its associated threats, as well as an understanding of the management of the system as a resource. In order to
develop management techniques that can limit resource degradation, we need a clear understanding of the role of threats to the resources. The focus of this dissertation is assessing threats to resources, using coral reefs as a model

 Tourism Resource Consultants

In June/July 2002 an eradication programme to remove Pacific rats from Maninita Island in the Vava'u group of the Kingdom of Tonga was initiated. The techniques used were similar to those
used in successful rat eradications in New Zealand, in that Pestoff 20R pellets and a network of bait stations were used.
Conditions on the island were not what was expected, the forest having been adversely affected by cyclone Waka and subsequent defoliation by caterpillars, resulting in an open forest canopy. Rats were found to be present on the island in high numbers and were breeding.

 Environment Consultants

Maninita, the southernmost island of the Vava'u group is an important seabird nesting site and a proposed national protected area as originally identified by the Government of Tonga's Ministry of Lands, Survey and Natural Resources. The Tonga NZODA Nature Tourism Programme has responded to this and the increasing interest in the island from Vava'u's tourism sector by including a Maninita initiative as a component of its overall programme.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 29 p.