"Engineering the path to the development of our statistics"
Volume 2 of the Papua New Guinea Strategy for the Development of Statistics. It complements Volume 1 as the Implementation Planof the Strategy (PNGSDS).
An overview of the ultimate goals of the PNG Strategy for the Development of Statistics 2018 - 2027
AAM was engaged by Geoscience Australia to undertake a LiDAR survey over the towns of Vanimo, Wewak,
Madang and Lae in Papua New Guinea and the coastal sections that join them. Acquisition was undertaken
between May 5th and July 13th 2012. Rain, low cloud and other weather related challenges were faced in this
aerial LiDAR survey.
AAM deployed its Optech ALTM Orion M200 for this project. This sensor is capable of detecting multiple returns, with a minimum of 4 potential returns for each outbound laser pulse as well as recording the intensity of each return.
The BioRAP Toolbox constitutes a complex series of computer programs (ANUDEM, ANUSPLIN, ANUCLIM, PATN and TARGET). This was first assembled in 1994 – 1995 by the Environment Resources Information Network (ERIN), Great Barrier Reef Management Park Authority (GBRMPA), Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies (CRES) of Australian National University and CSIRO (Division of Wildlife & Ecology).
Papua New Guinea Strategy for the Development of Statistics 2018 - 2027
Results of Marine pollution Analysis (SPC/FFA Observer Form GEN-6 Database) as a part of SPREP Marine Spatial Planning Programmes
SPC/FFA Regional Observer Pollution Report, Form GEN-6
SPC/FFA Regional Observer Species of Special Interest, Form GEN-2
SPC/FFA Regional Purse Seiner Observer Daily Log, Form PS-2
SPC/FFA Regional Purse Seiner Observer Set Details, Form PS-3
GIS file (geojson) with marine pollution observations (points) in PNG.
Province, District and LLG (Local Level Government) Boundaries - shapefile format (zipped).
direct link to Papua New Guinea's data on the GBIF website
direct link to all species occurrences in PNG on the GBIF records.
Dataset that provides a direct internet link to PNG national climate change portal
Downloaded from the CBD website- officially submitted report