The information and data gathered from these waste audits will be used by countries in the Pacific to support the development and monitoring of waste and resource recovery projects and recommend the infrastructure and policy interventions required. The regional dataset will also be used to identify and evaluate potential regional projects that would improve waste management in the region.
Protected areas data was derived from the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) dataset (source: Exclusive Economic Zone data was derived from Flanders Marine Institute (2019). Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase: Maritime Boundaries and Exclusive Economic Zones (200NM), version 11. Available online at http://
The maps highlights areas with significant shift in the shoreline by overlaying shoreline data from Nov 2021 and January 2022.
The maps highlights areas with significant shift in the shoreline by overlaying shoreline data from Nov 2021 and January 2022
The maps highlights areas with significant shift in the shoreline by overlaying shoreline data from Nov 2021 and January 2022
The maps highlights areas with significant shift in the shoreline by overlaying shoreline data from Nov 2021 and January 2022
Very important list for developers to consult before undertaking Environment Impact Assessment for any prescribed development in the Solomon Islands
This assessment will provide the framework to establish an integrated environmental monitoring program for the Metapona River system.
Environmental and Social Commitment Plan for the THSSP Project, March 2022
One of the requirements is the development, adoption, and implementation of a Labor1 Management Procedure (LMP) to provide guidance in the management of workers to ensure project's compliance with labour management standards and address labour managementrelated risks. This requirement is articulated under the World Bank Environmental and Social Standard 2 - Labor and Working Conditions (ESS 2) of the World Bank Environmental and Social Framework (ESF).
This SEP will guide the project information and awareness campaigns, consultations and the setting up of grievance redress mechanism for potentially affected people, during the preparation of the detailed project design, including the finalization of the Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP) and during implementation of the project activities and ESMP mitigation measures. This SEP will be periodically updated and shall contain summaries of stakeholder activities already undertaken under THSSP.
In partial fulfillment with ESS1, the GoTv and World Bank have agreed that a "Preliminary Project-Wide Environmental and Social Management Plan (Preliminary ESMP)" shall be prepared and be made available by Project Appraisal, pending the development of the detailed Project Design, thus this Preliminary ESMP. This Preliminary ESMP includes subsidiary ES management instruments designed to address specific issues and requirements of the WB ES Standards.