390 results
 Pacific Data Hub
… workshop & trade exhibition, 9-13 August 2004, Warwick, Fiji Islands … … Pacific Data Hub … miscellaneous-reports … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… workshop & trade exhibition, 9-13 August 2004, Warwick, Fiji Islands … … Pacific Data Hub … energy … Built Environment …
 Pacific Data Hub
… The NEP review provides an excellent opportunity for Fiji to update national energy targets and strengthen its … of the policy. This is also an opportunity for Fiji to align itself with the United Nations Sustainable …
 Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)

At its 14th meeting held in the Hague, the Netherlands in June 2007, the Conference of the Parties to CITES adopted decision 14.80 that directed the CITES Secretariat to seek external funding to enable a workshop to be held in the Pacific, in collaboration with appropriate regional organizations, to initiate regional cooperation on the management of sustainable fisheries for giant clams (Tridacnidae).

Report of meeting (Technical) / Secretariat of the Pacific Community)

Call Number: 333.955440995 [EL]

ISBN/ISSN: 978-982-00-0406-1

 Pacific Data Hub

Evaluation of the Institutional Woodstoves in Kiribati, Phase II, Stage One : SOPAC had been providing financial assistance towards the design and the construction of woodstoves in Kiribati. This assistance was delivered through the FSP and it had a major training component aimed at enabling local people to build and maintain the woodstoves. Objectives of this activity was to carry out an evaluation of the Institutional Woodstoves project and to provide recommendations as to the

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Energy and Gender (PEG) Network : Gender mainstreamed within the energy sector. Increased gender awareness in the energy sector.

 Pacific Data Hub

Demand Side Management Project : Review and report on the current status of DSM activities within SOPAC member country electric power utilities; determine the most appropriate technologies and methodology for the implementation of a DSM programme; prepare a detailed programme design; and the implementation, management and reporting for at least three demonstration DSM projects.

 Pacific Data Hub

Pacific Power Association (PPA) Annual Conference : Participation at Annual Conference.
Presentation prepared and delivered.
New information gathered.
Conference summary report prepared.


One of the recommendations emerging from the COP-8 (Decision XIII/8 [6]) promoted a series of regional and/or sub-regional workshops on capacity building for NBSAPs. These will
be held with the aim to discuss national experiences in implementing NBSAPs, the integration of biodiversity concerns into relevant sectors, obstacles, and ways and means
for overcoming these obstacles. It was recommended that these workshops be held (subject to the availability of funding) prior to COP-9, to provide an opportunity to directly support

 Pacific Data Hub
… by Year Cook Islands 14 islands 15,200 99% 31.8 100% 2020 Fiji 320 islands, 106 inhabited 888,400 87% 900 100% 2030 FSM …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Reserve Bank of Fiji Press Release. … … Pacific Data Hub … Built Environment …
 Pacific Data Hub
… officials meeting was co-hosted by the government of Fiji and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) and … 2014 and 1st April 2014 at the Novotel Hotel in Nadi, Fiji.  … … Pacific Data Hub … Built Environment …
 Pacific Data Hub
… This report was prepared  for the Fiji Department of Energy. To effectively address the 2012 … Idaho Integrated Design Lab, to develop amendments to the Fiji National Building Code that will increase building energy efficiency throughout Fiji. With the increased use of air cooling and plug loads …
 Pacific Data Hub
… (DOE, the client) of the Government of the Republic of Fiji to provide consultancy services to Fiji’s National Energy Security Situation Project (the … of the Project is included in Appendix A of this report. Fiji’s National Energy Security Situation Project is being …
 Pacific Data Hub
… FIRCA 2013 Incentives Brochure. Fiji tax and customs incentives. … … Pacific Data Hub … Built …
 Pacific Data Hub
… FIRCA  2012 Incentives Brochure. Fiji tax and customs incentives. … … Pacific Data Hub … Built …
 Pacific Data Hub
… In 1978 the Mineral Resources Department recognized that Fiji has excellent locations for the application of this concept. In Fiji many potential sites have been recognized, and further … to select the best sites for more detailed studies. On Fiji's Coral Coast alone eight potential sites have been …
 Marshall Islands Counsel of Non-Government Organizations (MICNGOS)
Fiji CSO SDG Voluntary National Review 2019 Reporting …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Arab Emirates Ministry of Foreign Affairs has informed Fiji Government that the board of the UAE-Pacific Partnership … a grant funding for a joint renewable energy project in Fiji worth USD5M, for immediate implementation. … … Pacific …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Geothermal resources of Fiji Islands, Vanuatu, PNG, Solomon Islands, Western Samoa. … …