390 results
 Pacific Data Hub
… Hay of John E. Hay and Associates Ltd, New Zealand for the Fiji Department of Energy, Ministry of Works and Energy and Fiji Electricity Authority (FEA). This report represents an … and possible future climate related risks facing the Fiji Islands. The risk assesment is based on observed climate …
 Pacific Data Hub
… expressed in this publication represents the Government of Fiji’s current understanding of the energy sector, and … which will contribute to meeting the targets set out in Fiji’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). The Government of Fiji reserves the right to periodically update the NDC …
 Pacific Data Hub
… regional energy program design, 20-24 July 1998, Nadi, Fiji Islands … … Pacific Data Hub … miscellaneous-reports … …
 Pacific Data Hub
Fiji Electricity Authority (FEA) regulatory review - final …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Applied Geoscience Commission Headquarters in Suva, Fiji Islands, August 2001 … … Pacific Data Hub … energy … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Applied Geoscience Commission Headquarters in Suva, Fiji Islands, August 2001 … … Pacific Data Hub … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… affected the sustainability of past solar projects. In Fiji, the Renewable Energy Service Company (RESCO) program is … The Renewable Energy Service Company (RESCO) model in Fiji, Renewable Energy, 36, 797-803.] … … Pacific Data Hub … …
 Pacific Data Hub
… of the energy landscape of the land transport sector in Fiji. … … Pacific Data Hub … Built Environment …
 Pacific Data Hub

Submitted to GIZ Secretariat of the Pacific Community by Economic Consulting Associates SMEC (New Zealand). Record holds 2 reports:

  1. Draft Strategic Action Plan
  2. Draft Energy Policy
 Pacific Data Hub
Fiji-review of regulatory functions of the Fiji Electricity Authority (FEA) - request for quotation, …
 Asian Development Bank
… The Republic of the Fiji Islands (Fiji) has generally returned to normalcy after a period of … In 2001, the Government pledged to build a better Fiji. Eleven task forces, representing a wide cross-section …
 Pacific Data Hub

KEMA was contracted by the Pacific Power Association (PPA) to conduct an energy efficiency study titled: “Quantification of Energy Efficiency in the Utilities in South Pacific Utilities” for 10 Southern Pacific island utilities. Attached in this record are 2 reports:

  1. FEA Final Report - summarizes study results for FEA
  2. FEA Data Handbook - system data addendum.

Report was sourced from the PPA Website at the following link - http://www.ppa.org.fj/publication-report/

 Pacific Data Hub

Solar Pump Maintenance Workshop in Kiribati : Objectives: To train 20 outer islands water technicians on the maintenance of solar water pumps.

 Pacific Data Hub
… Supervising Agency is the UNDP Multi-Country Office in Fiji. Team Leader, Rupeni Mario of SPC EDD. Local consultant, …
 Pacific Data Hub
… and energy labeling (MEPSL).  This study covers Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu, Cook Islands and Kiribati all which are drafting regulations or in the case of Fiji actually begun to implement MEPSL. … … Pacific Data Hub …
 Pacific Data Hub

Data captures generation and fuel consumption by the Vatukoula Gold Mines. Record captures the following:

  • power generation, fuel consumption, power distribution on a monthly basis
  • daily and monthly reports on generators, feeders & fuel
 Pacific Data Hub

Data captures generation and fuel consumption by the Vatukoula Gold Mines. Record captures the following:

  • power generation, fuel consumption, power distribution on a monthly basis
  • daily and monthly reports on generators, feeders & fuel