4437 results
 Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality

In the Pacific Region marine areas and marine resources such as coral reefs, mangroves, seagrasses and fisheries resources are very valuable because they sustain lives and livelihoods. However these resources are under increasing threats from destructive fishing/harvesting methods, pollution, over exploitation, sand mining etc.

Available online|Kept in vertical file collection

Call Number: VF 4157 [EL],574.5 MIC

Physical Description: 119 p. + col. illus. ; 29 cm

 International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN)

Incentive measures have long been used by governments to manipulate the ways in which
macro and sectoral economies work. It is however only relatively recently that they have
started to be applied to biodiversity conservation. An incentive for biodiversity
conservation can be defined asi: “A specific inducement designed and implemented to influence government
bodies, business, non-governmental organisations, or local people to conserve biological diversity or to use its

 Universiti Putra Malaysia

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) provides an indicator of the growth of the economy of a
nation. The GDP for Samoa in 1999 was estimated to be ST$718.4 million at current market
prices, of which agriculture, fishing and indirectly tourism are the main sectors of the
economy. These sectors are directly and indirectly dependent on the natural resources. Yet,
the essential role played by these resources to the economy is not explicitly known since
many of their services are not transacted through formal markets and in some cases markets

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

International Waters is one of four focal areas of the Global
Environment Facility (GEF). The GEF was created in 1994
to fulfill a unique niche - that of providing financing for
programmes and projects to achieve global environment
benefits in four focal areas: biodiversity, climate change,
international waters, and ozone layer depletion — and in
land degradation as it relates to these focal areas.

Kept in vertical file collection|E-copy of full text available from "FL" field

Call Number: VF 4259 (EL)

 Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC) of SPC

Nauru is a single raised coral island
with a total land area of 21 sq km.
Despite its small land area, Nauru has
an EEZ that extends over more than
320 000 sq km. Its maximum height
above sea level is approximately 70 m.

Kept in vertical file collection|Also available electronically

Call Number: VF 4339 [EL]

Physical Description: 11 p. ; 29 cm

 Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC) of SPC

The Cook Islands comprises 15 islands with a total
land area of 237 sq km and a
maximum height above sea-level of
652 m. The islands are scattered over
an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of
1.8 million sq km; one of the largest
EEZ’s in the South Pacific.

Kept in vertical file collection|also available electronically

Call Number: VF 4343 [EL]

Physical Description: 13 p. ; 29 cm

 Golder Associates / SPREP

Management of hazardous materials, hazardous wastes and contaminated sites has become an increasingly important issue for Pacific Island Countries (PICs). In 1997, AusAID, in conjunction with SPREP, implemented the Persistent Organic Pollutants in Pacific Island Countries project (POPs in PICs) to address this issue. As part of the POPs in PICs project, training workshops will be held in thirteen PICs to create awareness and understanding on the effective management of hazardous materials, hazardous wastes and contaminated sites.

Also available online

 Golder Associates

Also available online

Call Number: 363.7287 EFF [EL],VF 4401

Physical Description: various pagings ; 29 cm

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

A series of information pages use cartoon strips and characters to describe the different types of common wastes and suggested methods of disposal. Focus is on minimising at source and the use of "Consumer Power" is advocated. It also presents an opportunity to employ differenct approaches to teaching about waste minimisation or reduction issues.

2 copies|Available online|This product was produced by SPREP's Pacific Regional Waste Awareness and Education Project with funding from the European Union|4 copies

Call Number: 363.728 SOU [EL],WAS,VFEEA073

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The development of a 'standard' task list against which Members' current levels of knowledge and skills were assessed, was extremely useful not only in enabling data gathering and
comparison but also in serving as a training tool in and of itself, because it enlightened Member participants on the range of tasks involved in the different environmental fields. Most
importantly it highlighted that most jobs held a diverse array of knowledge and skills that current SPREP training does not adequately fulfil, particularly those of conservation


Biological diversity is the variety and variability of all species of plants, animals and microorganisms, as well as
the ecosystems they compose. It serves and sustains our lives in countless ways by providing food, fuel, shelter, and medicines. Conserving biodiversity is in our self-interest.

Kept in vertical file collection

Call Number: VF 5012

Physical Description: 19 p. ; 29 cm

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The Ok Tedi copper-gold mine, located at the eastern end of the central mountain range of New Guinea, discharges approximately 80.000 tons of ore processing residues daily, and a similar volume of waste rock and overburden into the headwaters of the Ok Tedi River.

2 copies|Available in e-copy

Call Number: 363.709549 HET [EL]

ISBN/ISSN: 9820401259

Physical Description: vi, 71 p. ; 29 cm

 Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA)

To date, few quantitative assessments of the marine resources of Palau have been conducted. For the off-shore tuna fishery, reasonable data time-series are available for the foreign access tuna fishery, but data for domestically based tuna operations are incomplete. For the near-shore fishery, reef resources are exploited by subsistence, commercial and recreational fishermen. Very few data are available that document trends in production for most reef-resident and reef-associated fisheries resources in Palau, except for the trochus fishery.


Notwithstanding the legal options listed in this Policy and Planning Needs Assessment (PPNA) the brunt of the project work at the community-level will have few legislative aspects. This is mainly a result of the specific tenure system of PNG, which largely precludes the use of directive mechanisms and which tends to turn community-based conservation into an incentive-driven process.

Call Number: 658.404 VAN [EL]

Physical Description: 112 p. ; 29 cm

 SPREP/UN University

The study investigated the situation of three Pacific small island nations concerning. While the detail of the specific situations varied there were several common underlying themes
which probably apply to a majority of smaller developing countries seeking to negotiate, ratify and implement national responsibilities for MEAs. The attached reports address the
specific situations of the Cook Islands. Palau and Vanuatu. This summary addresses some current and potential broader issues for the South Pacific Region and more generally for developing Islands countries


The technical report clearly explains how there is a positive nectar flow for this conservation area. Commercial viability is clarified by the market report noting the existence of a local honey market and a potential export market. Financially, there is also the opportunity to earn some form of income which could be as supplementary or main source. The impact of such a
project on the environment is seen as very positive, where the bees are beneficial to the conservation of natural resources.

 Division of Forestry

The island of Pohnpei (formerly Ponape) located at 6°54' N latitude and 158°14' E longitude in the Caroline Islands group in the mid-Pacific Ocean, is one of the four states of the Federated States of Micronesia. It is of volcanic origin, with some 60% of the land area characterized as steep and mountainous, surrounded by a barrier reef and a shallow lagoon. By virtue of its location, Pohnpei is one of the wettest spots in the world.

for assistance under the South Pacific Biodiversity Conservation Programme : final draft|also hold online copy

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Assisting the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme's (SPREP) island members to plan, prepare and respond to marine spills is one of the four activity areas of the Pacific Ocean Pollution Prevention Programme (PACPOL). PACPOL activities currently include a regional risk assessment regional and national contingency plans, formulation of a regional equipment strategy and facilitating regular workshop to discuss marine spill issues.

 International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN)

The dugong (Dugong dugon) is the only herbivorous mammal that is strictly marine, and is the only extant species in the Family Dugongidae. It is listed as vulnerable to extinction at a global scale by The World Conservation Union (IUCN). The dugong has a large range that spans some 37 countries and territories and includes tropical and subtropical coastal and island waters from East Africa to Vanuatu, between about 26° north and south of the Equator.

1 copy

Call Number: 599.55 MAR [EL]

ISBN/ISSN: 92-807-2130-5

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

This paper attempts to present a "quick snapshot" of the current status of biodiversity in the Pacific Islands and the prospects and challenges for the mainstreaming of its conservation and sustainable use by Pacific Island peoples during the 21st century. It is hoped that it will form the basis for useful discussion dining the conference. Particular emphasis is placed on providing an understanding of the status of biodiversity, not only from a scientific perspective, but also from the view of the Pacific Island peoples who have owned and used it for millennia!