4437 results
 Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)

This Strategic Plan for the Land Resources Division (LRD) of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) sets out the direction of the division over the next four years (2005 to 2008). It follows and supersedes the 2001–2004 Strategic Plan of the Agriculture Programme and the 2001–2005 Strategic Plan of the Forestry Programme. It recognises the achievement of several objectives contained in these earlier documents, as well as current and emerging regional priorities in the agriculture and forestry sectors.

 Foundation of the Peoples of the South Pacific International (FSPI)

This paper presents a Pacific developed and driven Framework as a mechanism to assist in the implementation of the Pacific Plan and the basis for a regional approach to coordinating actions to achieve its vision of a prosperous region where "all people can

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

The Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land- based Activities (GPA) identifies the priority for action on sewage. In the Pacific region, a
consultation process was facilitated by SOPAC, SPREP, PWA and the UNEP/GPA Coordination Office on wastewater management. A Regional Wastewater Management Meeting was held 10-15 October 2001 in Majuro, Republic of Marshall Islands and was the

 Ministere de l'Ecologie et du Developpement Durable

L'initiative internationale pour les recifs coralliens (ou International Coral Reef Initiative en anglais) a ete initiee en 1995 par les Etats Unis. Plusieurs pays s'y sont immediatement
associes (Australie, France, Japon, Jamaque, Philippines, Royaume Uni et Suede). Apres une conference de lancement a Manille, ou furent proposes un plan d'action et un

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

Prolnvest have supported South-pacific.travel to develop a Strategic Action Plan for South Pacific Green Tourism Focus of study is on Climate Change and formulating a 'market led' response from the Tourism Sector Work Undertaken:
Literature review,Country consultations (Fiji, Samoa, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, Tonga).Industry surveys and country (Email and PATAMART).Findings and emerging Strategy and Actions will be


This report constitutes the Terminal Evaluation (TE) for the Strategic Action Program for the International Waters of the Pacific Small Island Developing States (the International Waters Program, or IWP). It has been carried out in accordance with guidelines established by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and covers the issues set out in the TE Terms of Reference (TOR) developed by the UNDP Mulitcountry Office in Samoa.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

In general, leatherback turtles face serious threats at all life stages, both on the beaches where they nest and hatch and in the water where they spend most of their life time. Sea turtle eggs are collected for food, while in some areas juveniles and adults are hunted for their meat and oil. Habitats that are keys to their survival are rapidly being degraded due to coastal development. They are also killed in great numbers as incidental catch, or by catch, in fisheries.

 Australian Government

Pacific island countries' are maritime nations with vast marine estates. They cover almost 30 million square kilometres of the Pacific Ocean and contain a high proportion of the largest and most valuable tuna fisheries in the world. The coral reefs, lagoons and deeper water habitats of the region are significant components of global tropical marine biodiversity. They form part of the fabric of Pacific cultures and society.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-921285-04-2

 Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Meteorology

The Policy Goal of the Ministry is "to Act as the Focal Point for all International, Sub-regional Conventions, Treaties and Protocols relating to Environment, Conservation, Global Warming, Climate Change, and others in addressing Environment, Conservation and Meteorology issues, to integrate national issues, in a holistic way so as to adapt to climate change, halt deterioration of ecosystems, restore damaged eco-systems and ensure their survival in the long term".

Available online|1 copy

Call Number: [EL],338.9 MIN

 Pacific Ecologist

BRENDAN MAC KEY and SONG LI discuss two vital ingredients often overlooked in efforts to find solutions to global warming. Our generation must begin to care sufficiently about future generations, people in other countries, and the greater community of life, and demand our governments show international leadership in negotiating a new legally binding, equitable
international climate agreement. Without this agreement, based on a world ethic of universal responsibility, our efforts will fail to solve global warming. Governments are wavering when

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Pacific islands are extremely vulnerable to climate change. Pacific island culture, traditions, economy and environment will be affected by the effects of climate change, marking an urgent
call for partnerships and collaboration to increase the resilience of communities to adapt to these changes.

Available online

Call Number: VF 6900 [EL]

Physical Description: 10 Pages

 Universitat Bremen

The Global Environment Facility (GEF) is the single financial mechanism of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to fund global projects that serve the objectives of the CBD1.
The GEF Secretariat has developed the Resource Allocation Framework (RAF) which is a nested set of formulas that determine the maximum potential allocation for each country to

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

By 2020, the Pacific Island Countries and Territories are enjoying improved livelihoods, greater food security and increased environmental protection, resulting from enhanced collaboration and coordination within and between them in the conservation, management and sustainable utilisation of forest genetic resources, while maintaining their unique Pacific cultures

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 23 p.

 Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC) of SPC

This report identifies the present status of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the Fiji Islands and barriers to the more effective implementation of IWRM. Because water performs so many important functions for society, the responsibility for water is always spread among different organisations, public and private, and is located among several government ministries. IWRM is both a set of mechanisms and a process.

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Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 35 p.

 Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC) of SPC

Small island nations in the Pacific face water supply and sanitation problems amongst the most critical in the world. This is especially so in the Republic of Kiribati where shallow, fresh groundwater is the major source of water. It is extremely vulnerable to natural and human- induced changes. Storm surges, droughts and over-extraction cause seawater intrusion. Settlements and agricultural activities can extremely rapidly pollute the shallow groundwater. The incidence of illnesses and deaths from water-borne diseases, especially amongst children, are unacceptably large.

 South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission

Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) offers a systematic approach to address the sustainable development, allocation and monitoring of water resources for Pacific island Countries (PICs). The key concept of IWRM is that it provides a framework to integrate societal, economic and environmental considerations in water resource management. It recognises that all water use is interdependent and therefore should be managed in an integrated manner.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 45 p.

 Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC) of SPC

Small Pacific Island countries (PIC) rely heavily on the freshwater resources. However, due to the small land masses of many PICs, most of the freshwater sources are under pressure from overuse and/or pollution leading to deteriorating water quality due to urbanisation, economic development, and population growth. The pollution of freshwater resources also lend a hand to the pollution of marine ecosystems, which many Pacific Islanders rely on heavily for sustenance. Urbanisation and population increases weigh heavily on wastewater disposal,

 Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC) of SPC

Water is essential for human, faunal and floral physiology. Water sustains life and is essential for climatic equilibrium, the maintenance of ecosystems, agriculture, industrial processing and hydropower. In many countries, increasing population, natural resource extraction, food production,

 Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC) of SPC

The economic and social wellbeing of Pacific Island Countries are dependent upon the quality and quantity of their freshwater. Constrained by their relative small size, natural vulnerability,
and limited human and financial resource base, Pacific Small Island Developing States face specific challenges to effectively manage their water resources.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 105 p.

 Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC) of SPC

The Solomon Islands is characterised by scattered islands that vary considerably in size, physical and hydrologic characteristics. The types of islands range from high volcanic to tiny low coral atolls. The higher islands have river systems whilst the low coral atolls have no natural surface water systems and are completely dependent upon rainwater catchments and groundwater.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 86 p.