4437 results
 United Nations (UN)

By 2030, protected and restore water related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes. Freshwater ecosystems have enormous biological, environmental, social, educational and economic value and provide range of goods and services upon which people and all life depend on.

Call Number: [EL]

ISBN/ISSN: 978-92-807-3879-7

Physical Description: 97 p.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

L’Étude d’impact environnemental (ÉIE) est un processus utilisé
pour évaluer et gérer des projets de développement particuliers.
Elle a pour objectif de maximiser les retombées positives et de
minimiser les impacts négatifs pour les communautés locales et
leur environnement. La mobilisation des parties prenantes et les
connaissances locales sont essentielles à la réalisation d’une
bonne ÉIE. Correctement mise en oeuvre, l’ÉIE peut contribuer
à la réalisation des objectifs de croissance verte, de résilience

 Springer Science and Business Media LLC

The 2020 global spatial targets for protected areas set by the Convention on Biological Diversity have almost been achieved, but management e3ffectiveness remains deficient.

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 13 p.

 Springer Science and Business Media LLC

Mangrove forests store high amounts of carbon, protect communities from storms and support fisheries. Mangroves exist in complex social-ecological systems hence identifying socioeconomic conditions associated with decreasing losses and increasing gains remains challenging albeit important.

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 16 p.

 IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature

Protected and conserved areas are vital for safeguarding our unique biodiversity - as well as underpinning culture and livelihoods. This report is the first comprehensive regional assessment of protected and conserved areas. The biodiversity and Protected Areas Management Programme (BIOPAMA) supported the preparation pf this report.

Call Number: [EL],333.95 CON

ISBN/ISSN: 978-2-8317-2214-6,978-2-8317-2215-3

Physical Description: 272 p.

 Springer Science and Business Media LLC

Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are designed to enhance biodiversity and ecosystem services. Some
MPAs are also established to benefit fisheries through increased egg and larval production, or the
spillover of mobile juveniles and adults

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 9 p.

 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Previous research has cast doubt on the potential for marine protected areas (MPAs) to provide
refuge and fishery spillover benefits for migratory species as most MPAs are small relative to the
geographic range of these species.

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 5 p.


The overall scope of this report is to describe the major habitats and marine life in the project area, with the aim of providing relevant information for future development projects. Past development activities in the project area include dredging operations in the nearshore reef area and the installation of a wastewater discharge pipeline in Gataivai. This is the first known comprehensive biological assessment undertaken in the area.


This Phase 1 Draft report was prepared in accordance with the May 7, 2014, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (Service) Planning Aid Letter (PAL), Scope of Work (SOW) and Budget for assisting the U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHA) and the American Samoa Department of Public Works (DPW) with a marine resource and impact assessment associated with installation of shoreline protection structures to stabilize highway roadbeds.


For the Ninth Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas December 2013, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) commissioned an assessment of the status of biodiversity and conservation in Oceania. This report assesses the overall state of conservation in America Samoa using 16 indicators.

*this report wasn't published but was sent to country for checking (2013)* - to be used for the Regional SOE initiative 2019

 American Samoa Community College - Agriculture,  Community and Natural Resources

Invasive tree species called PuluMame

 American Samoa Community College - Agriculture,  Community and Natural Resources

Invasive Species in the Pacific

 American Samoa Community College - Agriculture,  Community and Natural Resources

Little Fire Ant is now finally detected in our neighboring island of American Samoa.

 American Samoa Community College - Agriculture,  Community and Natural Resources

Invasive species tree taking over Native tree

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a free, editable map & spatial database of the whole world. This dataset is an extract of OpenStreetMap data for American Samoa in a GIS-friendly format.

The OSM data has been split into separate layers based on themes (buildings, roads, points of interest, etc), and it comes bundled with a QGIS project and styles, to help you get started with using the data in your maps. This OSM product will be updated weekly.

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE)

Samoa a vast range of marine biophysical features, many of which are special or unique and potentially require articular reconsideration when planning for the optimal use and management of the country's ocean, which makes up 98% of the are under Samoa's jurisdiction.

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 1 p.

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE)

E tele se vaega o le sami o Samoa o loo iai ni nofoaga taua ma ni itu faapitoa e ao ona mafaufau toto'a iai pe afai e fai ni fuafuaga e faaaoga mo atina'e poo le pulea tatauina o le sami.

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 1 p.

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE)

A national-scale Marine Spatial Plan (MSP) is one of the four key strategies in the recently launched Samoa Oceans Strategy (SOS) 2020-2030. The SOS aims to use the MSP process to support ecosystem-based adaptation, while strengthening community engagement in actions that enhance resilience to the impacts of climate change. As part of the MSP process, the Samoan Government has identified Samoa’s special and/or unique marine areas (SUMAs). This report synthesises data, literature and the outputs of a dedicated workshop identifying the selected areas.

 KUNGL. VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN: The Royal Swedish Academy of Science.

Globally and locally, conservationists and scientists work to inform policy makers to help recovery of endangered sea turtle populations. In Fiji, in the South Pacific, sea turtles are protected by the national legislation because of their conservation status, and are also a customary iTaukei resource. Centered on our interview based study at Qoma and Denimanu villages, parallel management systems coexist, where both the (written) national legislation and the (unwritten) customary iTaukei rules determine the time and the quantity of sea turtle harvest.