The New Guinea mainland and surrounding islands possess an extra-ordinarily rich flora and a great diversity of vegetation types that parallel the diverse physiography of the lands and the resulting climates that prevail. A high proportion (some three-quarters) of the land area has a forest cover,
This report on Tokelau has been prepared for the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) and the Office for Tokelau Affairs (OTA) on the basis of the terms of reference set out in Annex I. It is written at a time of great administrative and organisational change for Tokelau. It also comes at a time of great environmental need and an increase in international environmental activities. On this scene Tokelau is a player with a great interest in and sympathy for the environment but with little or no law on environmental matters. The object of this
Samoa's National Implementation Plan (NIP) for POPs was initiated and developed in partnership with the Government of Samoa and the Global Environment Facility (GEF). With funds made available from GEF through the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Samoa's Enabling Activity for POPs began, with
the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE) as the National Execution Agency.
Available online
Call Number: [EL],GOS-MA
Physical Description: vii, 71p. ; 29cm
Ecosystem services are indispensable to the well-being
and health of people everywhere. In addition to providing
life's basic needs, changes in their flow affect livelihoods, income, local migration and, on occasion, political conflict. The resultant impacts on economic and physical security, freedom, choice and social relations have wide-ranging impacts on well-being and health.
see also Millenium Ecosystem Assessment Website -
The Kingdom of Tonga has previously indicated to SPREP that specialised short term training in reef ecology and the development of coral reef survey and monitoring skills is a priority for their country (Thistlethwaite et al. 1993, SPREP 1995, SPREP 1996). In recognition of the ongoing need for regional capacity building in coral reef survey and monitoring techniques, and to accommodate the particular requests of the Kingdom of Tonga. SPREP sought and received funding from AusAID to run a sub-regional course in Vava'u. Kingdom of Tonga.
Our story begins on a lovely afternoon in Samoa. Lady Vini, a beautiful hawksbill turtle, had laid her eggs on the beach and was now looking for food in the coral reef. She had just found a tasty looking sea sponge when, all of a sudden, she felt herself
being pulled backwards in the water.
Available electronically
Call Number: 597.92 LAD (EL)
ISBN/ISSN: 978-982-04-0377-2
Physical Description: 24 p. : ill. ; 21 cm
In October 1995 the 8th Pacific Regional Environment Programme meeting endorsed a proposal to prepare a Strategic Action Programme for International Waters. At the request of the South Pacific Forum the development of the proposal was coordinated by the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (renamed the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme, or SRPEP). Throughout 1997 the Strategic Action Programme was
formulated with funding assistance provided by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).
Available electronically
Sewage is used water, or the "waste water" that comes from the toilet, or from household cleaning activities such as dishwashing, clothes washing, cleaning the house, or cleaning a
boat or motorbike. Waste water can be harmful to the environment and to your health. It is harmful to the environment because it can contain high levels of nutrients (from faeces, urine, detergents) and other chemicals. It is harmful to your health because it can contain disease-causing organisms called pathogens.
Available electronically
Call Number: 363.729 4 CRE (EL)
In 2002, implementation of the coastal component of the Strategic Action Programme for the International Waters of the Pacific Islands Region (IWP) commenced in Nine. Nine's
component of the IWP involves the design and implementation of a pilot project that will address sustainable resource use and conservation issues related to coastal fisheries management.
To facilitate the IWP in Niue, the Government of Niue, through the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF), and the IWP Project Coordination Unit based at the SPREP in
Under the International Waters Project (IWP) in Tuvalu, a pilot project was established to address "waste" with the aim of reducing the contamination of groundwater and coastal water by human and animal waste. Community-based activities included "low-tech" solutions to addressing environmental degradation while national level activities involved activities with a more strategic institutional focus. A Communications and Sanitation Training Programme was designed to investigate the
Vanuatu was first visited by Europeans in the early 17th century. James Cook explored the islands in 1774, giving them the name "New Hebrides", which lasted until independence on 30 July 1980. The first European settler was a cattle rancher who arrived in 1854. He was soon followed by cotton growers from Australia, and later by the French, who outnumbered the British three to one by the mid-1880s.
Available electronically
Call Number: 338.3727 AMO (EL)
ISBN/ISSN: 978-982-04-0372-7
The IWP project team developed a written survey questionnaire in November 2004. Primrose Malosu (IWP Project Assistant) and Russell Nari (Deputy Director, Environment Unit) introduced the survey to volunteer facilitators who had earlier participated in preparation for and conduct of a Participatory Situation Analysis (Table 1). The survey team took the survey forms to their villages and conducted interviews during the first weeks of December 2004. The survey was conducted simultaneously with the mangrove and reef fish survey.
Available electronically
An ecological baseline survey of the Amal/Crab Bay Tabu Eria (AKTE) was performed between November 2004 and May 2005. Resources were surveyed with the assistance of Community Facilitators (CFs), and under the direction of the AKTE Management Committee (MC); surveyed resources included land crabs, terrestrial flora, mangroves, avifauna,mammals, finfish, shellfish, turtles and dugongs. Available literature regarding these resources and their distrubution within Vanuatu was reviewed and summarised, and traditional and local knowledge documented, including vernacular names for resources.
The ability of a government to provide useful and appropriate services that support and guide sustainable coastal resources development, management, protection and conservation is determined largely by three factors: (1) the clarity of the institutional roles and mandates given to the various government agencies concerned, (2) the appropriateness of the structure created to fill those roles and carry out mandates, and (3) the human and other resources that are applied to the required tasks.
Available electronically
Call Number: 333.917 17 MCC (EL)
Main issues in wastewater management are insufficient stakeholder awareness and involvement and the high mitigation costs. Urban wastewater management is a tool to improve and maintain environmental integrity and economic functions of coastal ecosystems. The best locally applicable situation is achieved through integrated, realistic, and thus tailor-made, step-by-step approaches.
Available electronically
Call Number: 363.728 UNI (EL)
Physical Description: 112 p. ; 29 cm
Household survey and waste characterization for Nukuhetulu, Tonga / by Netatua Prescott ... [et al.]
Tonga's International Waters Project (IWP) designed a pilot project that included the active participation of the people of Nukuhetulu as well as other stakeholders. The pilot project aimed to address the current priority environmental concern for Tonga, which is the "degradation of marine and freshwater quality". Pilot activities focused on community-based waste reduction, and were supplemented by the improvement of fresh water quality.
Sustainable costal fisheries are the prime focal area for Niue IWP, and are being addressed through a pilot project in the adjacent villages of Alofi North and Makefu, on the island's west coast. Along with other villages, these two identified the problems associated with their use of the coastal fishery and the results were published in a report "Participatory Situation Analysis: Summary Report of Village Consultations in Niue " (Niue IWP 2003). As with other Pacific Islands. Niues people feel their coastal waters are not as productive as they were in former years.
One of the most critical factors influencing the success of the IWP pilot projects has been the choice of sites. Communities that choose to be involved in the project were committed to the
Generally, the introduction to community monitoring commenced with a brief presentation of the concepts and use of monitoring data (see Appendix 3 for an outline of the presentation material), which led into the proposed methods that would be used in the demonstration in the pilot villages, focusing on the target species of concern that have been already identified
The purpose of the IWP in Yap is to "promote sustainable coastal fisheries via a system of marine protected areas established and maintained through a collaboration of traditional resource owners, government and non-government organizations, and other stakeholders in one management framework" (Anon 2002). The use of MP As is being advocated around the world, particularly the developing world, in part because MP As are relatively uncomplicated to implement compared to technically demanding yield-based management measures such as quotas.