Direct internet link to Solomon Island's Ozone Consumption data (2011 - 2017) as tracked by the Ozone Secretariat online portal of the UNEP office. The level of ODS consumption was reported to the Montreal Protocol.
The intended nationally determined contribution report which outlines the planned commitment of the country to GHG mitigation actions.
The content of this brochure is the result of a collaborative effort between the Solomon Islands meteorological Service and the Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning (PACCSAP) Program – a component of the Australian Government’s International Climate Change Adaptation Initiative. It contains a summary of climate projections for the Solomon Islands.
A direct internet link to Solomon Island's agriculture statistics at a glance and other related information.
Excel file with multiple worksheets and graphs summarising the status and threats to IUNC red-listed flora and fauna in the Solomon Islands. Accessed from IUCN red list October 2018.
Data on tuna catch and by-catch provided to the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission. Data span the period 2013-2017.
This report provides some of the thoughts or points to consider in setting up MPAs (marine protected areas) and LMMAs (locally managed marine areas) with the local communities in Milne Bay Province
For the Ninth Pacific Islands Conference on Nature Conservation and Protected Areas December 2013, the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) commissioned an assessment of the status of biodiversity and conservation in Oceania. This report assesses the overall state of conservation in Papua New Guinea using 16 indicators.
*this report wasn't published but was sent to country for checking (2013)* - to be used for the Regional SOE initiative 2019
Draft documents in the development of PNGs SOE 2019
Issue data reported inside Lukim Gather.
PNG is endowed with rich natural resources and culture and is known as one of the cultural and mega biodiversity hotspots globally. Located on the eastern part of the island of New Guinea, PNG contains roughly 1 percent of the global landmass, with four major islands and over 600 islands and atolls. PNG also has one of the diverse reef system in the world and has a total of 3.12 square kilometers of economic exclusive zone (EEZ) of marine territory. Over 840 spoken languages exist and spoken by over 1000 different tribes.
This data is downloaded from World Data for Protected Area site. These statistics might differ from those reported officially due to difference in methodologies and datasets used to assess protected area coverage and differences in the base maps used to measure terrestrial and marine area with the updated inventory.
This report was downloaded from ADB site. Site link…
The island of New Guinea hosts the third largest expanse of tropical rainforest on the planet. Papua New Guinea—comprising the eastern half of the island—plans to nearly double its national road network (from 8,700 to 15,000 km) over the next three years, to spur economic growth. We assessed these plans using fine-scale biophysical and environmental data. We identified numerous environmental and socioeconomic risks associated with these projects, including the dissection of 54 critical biodiversity habitats and diminished forest connectivity across large expanses of the island.
The development of Papua New Guinea National Oceans Policy is at an important juncture of the country’s history in that we recognize our land resources are gradually being exploited at a rapid pace in achieving our country’s Vision by 2050, responsible sustainable development measure; and, shift of the Government and our communities’ focus into the ocean sector must be embraced as the long term measure- “a No Regrets Option”
FAO, at the request of its member countries, regularly monitors the world´s forests and their management and uses through the Global Forest Resources Assessment (FRA). This country report is prepared as a contribution to the FAO publication, the Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015 (FRA 2015).
With 3.8 million cubic meters of tropical wood exported in 2014, primarily to China, Papua New Guinea (PNG) has become the world’s largest exporter of tropical wood, surpassing Malaysia, which had held the top spot for the
past several decades.
Tropical forestry and logging are complex subjects, encompassing a range of diffi cult issues, including land ownership, the sustainability of natural resources, the impact on climate change, the social and economic impact of logging on isolated and relatively untouched, subsistence sector communities, and the protection of the basic rights of the people concerned.
Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) forests and forestry have played an important role in the livelihoods of the people of the country for many years. Forests have provided a source for food, fruits and nuts, building materials, medicinal plants, habitats for refuge and a wealth of other services.
A summary of various datasets on logging concessions, exports, forest cover are presented here.