34 results
 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment
… Ridge to reef data on Nauru's water sources, limited metadata, compiled in 2018 … … Nauru Department of Commerce … Industry and Environment … environment … r2r … Land … Inland Waters …
… Ridge to Reef Data on Nauru's Water Sources, limited metadata, compiled in 2018 … bin … …

Ridge to Reef Data on Nauru's Locally Managed Marine Area (LMMA), limited metadata compiled in 2018

… data representing the mean levels of pH for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment
… in 2018 … … Nauru Department of Commerce … Industry and Environment … environment … r2r … Coastal and Marine …
… salinity in practical salinity scale (PSS) for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… the mean levels of chlorophyll in mg/m3 for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… the mean levels of nitrate in µmol/m3 for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… the mean levels of phosphate in µmol/m3 for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… the mean levels of calcite in µmol/m3 for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… of current velocities in meters/second for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… the mean levels of iron in µmol/m3 for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… mean levels of phytoplankton in µmol/m3 for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… the mean levels of silicate in µmol/m3 for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… of temperature in degrees Celsius (°C) for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… mean levels of dissolved oxygen in µmol/m3 for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
… active radiation (PAR) in E/m2/year for the surface water layer. The data are available for global-scale … pre-processed global ocean re-analyses combining satellite and in situ observations at regular two- and three-dimensional spatial grids. The data available in …
 The Nature Conservancy, Indo-Pacific Resouce Centre
… of Pacific Island countries has supported, maintained and improved the social and economic wellbeing of its people and cultures since the … resources was allowed under traditional and community management. It is believed that utilization was undertaken in …
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
… Maximum Flow, minimum flow and discharge (flow) datasets in cubic feet and the latter in acre feet. Data collected by the Department … (SOE) Report 2020 (page 198) … … PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority … 1954 … 1964 … …