8350 results
 Smithsonian Institution

Several large regions of the world are plagued by
conservation problems shaped around a particular inherent
set of geographical, biological and human conditions which
have been operational for varying periods of time. Typical
of situations facing Latin America are the progress of
economic development in Amazonia with its attendant loss of
rainforest biodiversity, and the Central American
"hamburger connection" involving conversion of forests to
grazing land to support the export of cheap beef to the

 United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

The Asia-Pacific region is an economic
powerhouse, with some of
the world’s most dynamic economies.
But it has been making slower progress
with some of the Millennium Development
Goals. Its greatest success has
been with poverty, for which the region
as a whole is likely to meet the 2015
target of halving the proportion of people
living in income poverty. But most
countries will miss at least some of the
other targets and goals, and a number
will miss their goal even for poverty.

Available online


The GOOS Capacity Building Workshop for the Pacific was identified in the GOOS 1998 Plan and it was approved by the IOC Assembly in 1997 and the SOPAC Annual Session in 1997. The IOC and SOPAC were co-sponsors of the workshop and its preparation was co-ordinated by Jan Stel (Chair), William Erb (IOC) and Alf Simpson, Russell Howorth and Andrew Butcher of SOPAC.


GOOS is being implemented in the Pacific islands region by PacificGOOS, which was formed in Suva in 1998. In August 2000, in Apia, Samoa, PacificGOOS held a regional workshop on the development of a coastal Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) for the Pacific region. This workshop aimed to raise the level of awareness about PacificGOOS and its value for sustainable

 Applied Geoscience and Technology Division (SOPAC) of SPC

This report serves as to create an overview of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) progress and activities in the Pacific Island Countries (PICs). The overview is to form part of a submission by the GWP (Global Water Partnership) Secretariat at the forthcoming;
"(i) donor meeting to mobilise and seek support for IWRM in February, 2004, and the
(ii) CSD conference in New York, March, 2004".

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 37 p.


The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the
expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the World Meteorological
Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or
concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

•2 copies

Call Number: 551.632 PAC

Physical Description: various pagings

 United Nation Environment Programme(UNEP)

The Regional Seas programme of UNEP commenced in 1974 and since that time
considerable advances have been made in the development of regional action plans and
conventions for the protection of the marine and coastal areas of some eleven regions world-
wide. Following these developments UNEP has encouraged inter-regional co-operation in
addressing various issues of environmental concern through the organisation of international
meetings and inter-regional symposia. This volume contains the record of one such symposium,


1. Article 6 of the Convention on Biological Diversity/ requires each Party to develop or adapt national strategies, plans or programmes for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and to integrate, as far as possible and as appropriate, the conservation and sustainable use of biological
diversity into relevant sectoral or cross-sectoral plans, programmes and policies.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 11 Pages


One of the recommendations emerging from the COP-8 (Decision XIII/8 [6]) promoted a series of regional and/or sub-regional workshops on capacity building for NBSAPs. These will
be held with the aim to discuss national experiences in implementing NBSAPs, the integration of biodiversity concerns into relevant sectors, obstacles, and ways and means
for overcoming these obstacles. It was recommended that these workshops be held (subject to the availability of funding) prior to COP-9, to provide an opportunity to directly support

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

National Ocean Policy 2020

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa

The WASH Baseline Survey is an initiative of the Water and Sanitation Sector which aims to:

1. Gain a better understanding of the water and sanitation situation nationally; and
2. Collect information about Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of the population regarding water use, sanitation status and hygiene behaviour.

 Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MNRE),  Samoa

Cyclone Evan hit Samoa in December 2012 and caused immense damage and significant losses. This comprehensive assessment estimates those damages and losses, and identifies the needs of the affected population.

In this report, the value of durable physical assets across all economic and social sectors destroyed by Evan (referred to as damage) is estimated at SAT 235.7 million, equivalent to US$103.3 million.


The main objective of the expedition was to compare as large a series of islands of different climatic conditions, ages and geological origins as possible. This necessitated short visits to each selected island. The structure and components of the ecosystem under study were the focus of attention, while their functioning was considered to be of secondary importance.

3 copies

Call Number: ECO [EL],PC 577.52 ECO

Physical Description: x, 220 p. : ill. ; 30 cm

 South Pacific Commission (SPC)

In September 1991 the Government of the Marshall Islands requested assistance in compiling a bibliography of material relating to fisheries and marine resources of the Marshall Islands. After discussions between the staff of the Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority and the Fisheries Programme of the South Pacific Commission, it was decided that a search for appropriate documents would take place in Majuro, Guam, Tokyo, Honolulu and Suva during September, October and November 1991.

Look in the SPC shelf under section I.

Call Number: 639.016 IZU

 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Assessments of the general condition, stocking, composition, and growth of mangroves on the islands of Pohnpei and Yap and at one area on Kosrae were undertaken at the request of these states. Methods used included: reconnaissance on foot, by air and by boat; use of 1976 aerial photographs; remeasurement of forest inventory plots installed by the US Forest Service in 1983; and installation of new inventory plots, examination of public records, and reviews of published data (Pohnpei).

 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP),  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

The Regional Seas Programme was initiated by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 1974 in response to the selection of the oceans as a priority area by the UNEP Governing Council. It is a global programme implemented through regional
components under the guidance of the Oceans and Coastal Areas Programme Activity Centre at UNEP headquarters in Nairobi.
Each regional action plan is formulated by the Governments concerned to respond to the needs of the region for a comprehensive approach to controlling both the consequences

 The Smithsonian Institution

The tropical seas are liberally sprinkled with coral islands.
Many of them are associated with continents and large continental islands, in relatively shallow water, rising from continental shelves. Many, also, are in deep water - atolls, barrier reef islets round high islands, ‘almost atolls', tops of drowned karsts, and a few moderately elevated atolls. These last are among the most fascinating of all, scientifically.

An article taken from the Atoll Research Bulletin No.272|Kept at Greg's collection|Available online

Call Number: VF 1564 [EL}

 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP),  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Pesticides as covered in the project include acaricides,
biological pesticides (bacteria, viruses), defoliants,
dessicants, fumigants, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides,
molluscicides, nematicides, rodenticides and synergists.
Pesticides included are those used in plant protection, in
animal health (products for external use only), in human
health programmes and for urban pest control.

 UNEP in cooperation with SPREP

There is a high level of uncertainty with the specific estimation of pollutant loads. A large body of work has
been completed that provided qualitative and quantitative data; however, the noting of data gaps and inherent uncertainties of the methods used have qualified much of the quantitative data. Much of the data are based on rapid assessment methods that utilise generic loading rates, assumed waste flow composition, typical production methods, local production rates. Unfortunately, production rate data are inconsistently available and are difficult to verify.

 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP),  Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Recognising the problems of information management and the use of data as a resource many countries of the SPC region have expressed the desire for some form of integrated network to handle information and data relating to the resources and
environment of the Region. Accordingly SPREP commissioned this review of the current situaiton with regard to handling, storage and evaluation of such data in the countries of the region.

Call Number: 333.7 [EL]