Marine waste incidences per country reported by observers
This represents sub-sectors within the Cropland category (which is 7.77 of total land)
The respective question asked in the 2009 census was “Does this household have any livestock?”, and answer boxes were provided for the number of cows, pigs, goats, horses, and poultry.
Data extracted from the the 2009 Census
Global Forest Watch data. Tree cover loss is not the same as deforestation. Tree cover loss means the removal of tree canopy due to human and natural causes, and includes trees in plantations as well as natural forests.
the rate of population growth from 1931 - 2009
This is the cvs format of the Honiara Ecosystem Services data in the excel file
Indication of location for the establishment of the Barana and Queen Elizabeth Park to improve the upper Mataniko and Lungga catchment area’s provision of fresh water supply and other ecosystem services.
*refer to Honiara Ecosystem Based Adaptation Option Assessment report for more detailed information*
cvs version of the data in excel!
cvs version of the data in excel!
he 33 deepwater bioregions for the Solomon Islands were condensed into 26 bioregions. The major changes were made to the northwestern side of the Solomon Islands EEZ; there was general agreement about the deepwater bioregions in the southeastern half of the country. Bioregions 120, 164, 167, 192, 244, and 304 were merged with Bioregion 222. Bioregion 226 was split into two halves, and one part of the non-contiguous Bioregion 240 (the part closer to the islands) was merged with 222.
reef-associated bioregions for the Solomon Islands
The Commonwealth Litter Project (CLiP) supported Solomon Islands to take action on plastics entering the oceans. Currently 80% of marine litter is estimates to be originated on land and Cefas contracted Asia Pacific Waste Consultants to assess the land waste production rates and waste management performances. The sample collection was limited by the ease of collection of samples, the ability to transport samples, as well as the presence and absence of collection systems Commercial premises were divided into four major categories.
The Institute for Marine Remote Sensing (IMaRS) at the University of South Florida (USF) was funded by the Oceanography Program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to provide an exhaustive worldwide inventory of coral reefs using high-resolution satellite imagery. By using a consistent dataset of high-resolution (30 meter) multispectral Landsat 7 images acquired between 1999 and 2002, USF characterized, mapped and estimated the extent of shallow coral reef ecosystems in the main coral reef provinces (Caribbean-Atlantic, Pacific, Indo-Pacific, Red Sea).
excel file of the different measurements of the various beach lengths in Tonga