A map showing simply the location of seamounts in Solomon Islands EEZ. The map was developed by MACBIO as resource for the workshop on bioregions in Fab 2018. Data is based on Yesson et al. (2011) "The global distribution of seamounts based on 30-second bathymetry data and Harris et al. (2014) "Geomorphology of the oceans".
Map developed by MACBIO as resource for the bioregions workshop in Feb 2018. Nitrate is an essential resource, which, together with available light, determines the amount of organic matter that can be synthesized by phytoplankton through photosynthesis. Nitrate concentration is also a key variable of biogeochemical and ecosystem models. Data is based on CSIRO Atlas of Regional Seas (CARS).
Dissolved oxygen is a key parameter to trace physical dynamics and to better understand biogeochemical processes in the World Oceans. O2 concentration is always the balance between biological terms (production by phytoplankton, consumption through respiration by all organisms) and ocean atmosphere o2 exchanges (so-called ventilation processes).
The map was developed by MACBIO as resource for the bioregions workshop in Feb 2018. Data is based on Tyberghein L., et al (2011) Bio-ORACLE: a global environmental dataset for marine species distribution modelling.
Map developed by MACBIO as resource for the bioregions workshop in Feb 2018. Data is based on CSIRO Atlas of Regional Seas (CARS).
All living organisms require the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus for their growth, metabolism and reproduction. Research has demonstrated that phytoplankton productivity in the surface ocean is often limited by the amount of available fixed inorganic nitrogen and available phosphorus.
The map was developed by MACBIO as resource for the bioregions workshop in Feb 2018. Data is pased on CSIRO Atlas of Regional Seas (CARS).
Map of particulate Inorganic carbon in Solomon Islands Oceans. The map was developed by MACBIO as resource for the bioregions workshop in Feb 2018. Data on inorganic carbon is based on CSIRO: Lutz et al 2009.
Map of distribution of particulate organic carbon that represents the concentration of carbon in the ocean.
The map was developed by MACBIO as resource for the bioregions workshop in Feb 2018. Carbon data is based on CSIRO: Lutz et al 2009.
Particulate organic carbon flux represents the rate at which carbon is cycled through the ocean and the factors that may alter the rates of transfer.
The map was developed by MACBIO as resource for the bioregions workshop in Feb 2018. Data is based on CSIOR: Lutz et al. 2009.
Between March 12 and 14, 2015, Tropical Cyclone Pam struck Vanuatu as an extremely destructive Category 5 cyclone, with estimated wind speeds of 250km/h and wind gusts that peaked at around 320km/h. This assessment provides estimates to the the damages and losses, and identifies the needs of the affected population.
List of international environmental related agreements and conventions to which Vanuatu is obligated to.
*adopted from the Vanuatu National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2018 - 2030, pg 24*
There are not perfect data which describe the distribution and abundance of every marine habitat and species in the Pacific. And certainly not at a scale that is useful for national planning in the ocean. Bioregionalisation, or the classification of the marine environment into spatial units that host similar biota, can serve to provide spatially explicit surrogates of biodiversity for marine conservation and management. Existing marine bioregionalisations however, are at a scale that is too broad for national governments in the Pacific to use.
Vanuatu Protected Areas (PA) data from the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA), downloaded August 2019. This dataset includes both tables and spatial data.
Rural and urban population 1990 - 2017, FAOSTAT (website: http://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#country/180)
Data on Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) includes information on Palau's forests 2013-2014. The Pacific Northwest Forest Inventory and Analysis (PNW-FIA) program measures and compiles data on plots in coastal Alaska, California, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington, and U.S.- affiliated Pacific Islands. Most data are available in Access databases and can be downloaded by clicking one of the links below. PNW data are combined with data from all states in the U.S. and stored in the national FIADB. Data for any state can be accessed on the national website (see links to national tools below).
Location and distribution of MPAs on the east side of Babeldaob. Data obtained from WDPA dataset
GIS survey exercise to weather radar as part of the training in Port-Vila with SPREP team.
We visited the radar site to record the site location and map the site area.
Visitation to Radar site to do GIS Survey practical for SPREP GIS and Data Management training 26th June 2024.