This a completely made up fictional dataset.
Data quality is pretty low, I wouldn't trust it.
Data is accurate and data points are sourced (in each row) but some documents have not been referenced e.g. Island strategic plans for those pa enua islands that have them. Based on 2017 documents but last worked on 27 March 2018.
wetlands area in hectares for Rarotonga in csv format
Figure 113: Total finfish density inside reef, 2007. (PROCFish 2009)
Sea cucumber densities (count per area) from four islands in Cook Islands, 2013. (Rongo et al, 2014)
Sea cucumber densities (count per area) from four islands in Cook Islands, 2013. (Rongo et al, 2014)
vegetation types within the mainland coastal region provinces
vegetation types for the provinces in the PNG highlands region
Most atoll ecosystems and a wide range of terrestrial and marine organisms, and genetic or cultivars varieties of
traditional food and other multi-purpose plants are declining in abundance and under threat of either “economic extinction” or extirpation and in need of some form of protection. The severity of the situation is greatest on those more urbanized atolls where both the biodiversity and the local knowledge of biodiversity are threatened.
*see R Thanman pdf report for more information*
CVS version of the data in excel
Terrestrial and marine plants and animals that are rare, endangered or in short supply,
and in need of protection in the atolls of the Pacific Islands.
The data sheets used for the collection process were an adaptation of data sheets created for the International Coastal Cleanup Day by the Ocean Conservancy.
Polystyrene constitutes the largest waste category which supports the governments plans to ban polystyrene food packaging, cups and plates in 2020.
**data extracted from the excel sheet**