Spreadsheet and graph derived from table 1 of Kingdom of Tonga National Plan of Action (NPOA) Shark-Plan (2014-216)
Time series data and graph of Tonga's deepwater fishery total catch 2006-2016.
Marine waste from Pacific Island Countries
Tables 14 cross-tabulates different socio-demographic and economic variables by damage (household + other dwelling). The table suggests that the worse-off were more affected by GITA.
*data extracted from the PDNA report*
Calculated as Production (if any) + Imports - Exports
time series data on the consumption of CFC 12 & CFC 115 in Tuvalu in the past and submitted to Ozone Secretariat. This data was reported in the National Compliance Action Strategy to implement the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in Tuvalu
Community consultations have taken place on four islands to collect relevant information on island biodiversity, so as to incorporate this into the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. The perceived threats are shown in this excel sheet.
cvs formatted version of the excel file
The data presents the volume and value of estimates annual fisheries catches and aqua cultural harvest in Tuvalu in 2014.
The cvs version of the excel file.