37 results
 Pacific Data Hub

The scope of the Pacific Living Condition (Hybrid) Survey includes:
- Health
- Education
- Nutrition
- Iincome and expenditure
- Culture
- Family planning
- Employment
- Assets of the household

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 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Household characteristics; Household belongings; Communication; Agriculture; Social Transfers; Household Energy use; Food Insecurity Experiences; Water and sanitation; Handwashing; Salt iodisation.

-HOUSEHOLD MEMBER: Individual charateristics; Education.

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 Pacific Data Hub

- HOUSEHOLD: dwelling characteristics, source of water, energy, cooking fuel, commodities owned, expenditure, income;
- INDIVIDUAL: demographic characteristics, economic activity, education, health, expenditure, income.

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 Pacific Data Hub

HOUSEHOLD - includes household composition (number of males & females), household characteristics (age, relationship to household head, marital status, education level completed, main daily activity), dwelling characteristics of the main house, household possessions, dwelling tenure, construction & improvements of dwellings, household bills, tranport expenses, acquisition of durables, education & recreation, medical & health services, overseas events and special events.

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 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Dwellin characteristics, Lighting, Water access, Sanitation, Dwelling tenure, Agricutlural assets, Expenditure, Income.
-INDIVIDUAL: Individual characteristics, Health, Education, Labour force, Income, Allowances.

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 Pacific Data Hub

DHS questionnaire for women cover the following sections:

- Background characteristics (age, education, religion, etc)
- Reproductive history
- Knowledge and use of contraception methods
- Antenatal care, delivery care and postnatal care
- Breastfeeding and infant feeding
- Immunization, child health and nutrition
- Marriage and recent sexual activity
- Fertility preferences
- Knowledge about HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections
- Husbands background and women's work

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 Pacific Data Hub

-HOUSEHOLD: Household characteristics; Household belongings; Communication; Agriculture; Social Transfers; Household Energy use; Dengue; Water and sanitation; Handwashing; Salt iodisation.

-HOUSEHOLD MEMBER: Individual charateristics; Education; Dengue.


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 Pacific Data Hub

The scope of Fiji 1974 WFS includes:
- Marriage history
- Marital status
- Age at marriage
- Marital duration
- Birth history
- Children ever born
- Living children
- Period fertility
- Birth intervals
- Breastfeeding
- Exposure status
- Fertility preferences
- Knowledge of birth control
- Ever use of birth control
- Current use of birth control
- Pattern of use of birth control
- Respondent's background
- Partner's background

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 Pacific Data Hub

-Population: Population's relationship, marital status, religion, residence, origins, education, work status, women's characteristics (on children given birth to)
-Housing: Living quarters and its conditions, water and electricity access, sanitation, waste disposal, household durables and livestock & pets

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 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Chuuk State,  FSM

May 25, 2019 At the request of the (OECMA) Oneisom Environment Conservation Management Association, EPA Chuuk held a workshop on Solid Waste Management at Truk Stop Hotel today. Mayor of Oneisom Municiapality, Mr Enrino Paul, Director of OECMA, Ms Evelyn Paul along with a number of coordinators from different Municipal groups attended the workshop. Concepts of waste management focusing on 3Rs, Segregation of waste, policies and regulations and Proper Disposal of wastes were some of the topics of today's workshop.

 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology

Maps, reports, publications, pictures, spreadsheet, charts of the Coral Triangle Initiative on coral reefs, fisheries and food security (CTI-CFF) national work program from 2008-2013

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 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This dataset has all icons for Multilateral Environment Agreements such as SDGs and Aichi

 Pacific Data Hub

The scope of the Vanuatu 2013 DHS include:

......basic demographic characteristics of individuals in a particular household dwelling, including age, sex, residence, marital status, educational attainment, eligibility and disability
......basic household caharacteristics of the private dwellings, including sanitation, water, electricity, households materials and household wealth ownership


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 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - Pohnpei State,  FSM

Water quality and sanitation

 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM

The FSM SoE Report reveals the current state of knowledge about the environment in FSM along the following thematic areas: atmosphere and climate, water, land, marine, biodiversity, built environment, and culture and heritage.