90 results
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

This dataset has all icons for Multilateral Environment Agreements such as SDGs and Aichi

 Pacific Data Hub

This dataset is a merged layer of the 12 nautical mile zone for the Pacific region. It is the combination of the original data with SPC and data from marineregion.org.

One will need to request access to this dataset.

 Pacific Data Hub

“Territorial Sea” means the waters having as their inner limits, the baseline and as their outer
limits, a line measured seaward from that baseline, every point of which is at a distance of
twelve (12) nautical miles from the nearest point of the baseline.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Marine Zones (Declaration) Act 2011 repeals the Marine Zones (Declaration) Act 1983. It states that the "Contiguous Zone" means waters beyond the territorial sea within a distance of twenty-four (24) nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Marine Zones (Declaration) Act 2011 repeals the Marine Zones (Declaration) Act 1983. It states that the territorial sea of Kiribati comprises those waters having, as their inner limits, the baseline of Kiribati and, as their outer limits, a line measured seaward from that baseline, every point of which is at a distance of twelve (12) nautical miles from the nearest point of the baseline.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

The Database of Island Invasive Species Eradications (DIISE) attempts to compile all historical and current invasive vertebrate eradication projects on islands. The vast majority of the dataset is focused on invasive mammals. Data gathered from each project includes island location and characteristics, details about the eradication including focal species, methods and outcome, plus links and or contact details for learning more about the project.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Marine Zones (Declaration) Act 2011 repeals and replaces the Marine Zones (Declaration) Act 1983 and defines the baseline of the territorial sea, the 12 nautical mile territorial sea and the 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone. http://www.un.org/Depts/los/LEGISLATIONANDTREATIES/PDFFILES/KIR_2011_Ac…

 Pacific Data Hub

The Marine Zones (Declaration) Act 2011 repeals and replaces the Marine Zones (Declaration) Act 1983 and defines the baseline of the territorial sea, the 12 nautical mile territorial sea and the 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone. http://www.un.org/Depts/los/LEGISLATIONANDTREATIES/PDFFILES/KIR_2011_Ac…

 Pacific Data Hub

The Marine Zones (Declaration) Act 2011 states that "Baseline" means the baseline from which the breadth of the territorial sea, contiguous zone, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf is measured. It contains the geographic coordinates that defines the baseline for the Line Group. The points are defined by geographic coordinates are determined by reference
to the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84).

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA) is the most comprehensive global database of marine and terrestrial protected areas, updated on a monthly basis, and is one of the key global biodiversity data sets being widely used by scientists, businesses, governments, International secretariats and others to inform planning, policy decisions and management. The WDPA is a joint project between UN Environment and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

 Pacific Data Hub

The Territorial Sea Baseline of Cook Islands was derived from two high resolution satellite imageries called Geo-eye and WorldView -2 in 2011 and 2012. These imageries are referenced to the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 1984) datum. The baselines were defined and completed by Cook Islands technical team in collaboration with SPC in 2005.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Marine Zones (Declaration) Act 2011 repeals the Marine Zones (Declaration) Act 1983. It states that the territorial sea of Kiribati comprises those waters having, as their inner limits, the baseline of Kiribati and, as their outer limits, a line measured seaward from that baseline, every point of which is at a distance of twelve (12) nautical miles from the nearest point of the baseline.

 Pacific Data Hub

The Marine Zones (Declaration) Act 2011 states that "Baseline" means the baseline from which the breadth of the territorial sea, contiguous zone, exclusive economic zone and continental shelf is measured. It contains the geographic coordinates that defines the baseline for the Line Group. The points are defined by geographic coordinates are determined by reference
to the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84).

 Pacific Data Hub

The Marine Zones (Declaration) Act 2011 repeals the Marine Zones (Declaration) Act 1983. It states that the "Contiguous Zone" means waters beyond the territorial sea within a distance of twenty-four (24) nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured.

 Pacific Data Hub

Part 2 of the Tuvalu Maritime Zones Act 2012 states that the contiguous zone comprises those areas of the sea that are beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea, having as their outer limits a line measured seaward from the baseline every point of which is distant 24 nautical miles from the nearest point of that baseline.

Where an archipelagic baseline is declared, the outer limits of the contiguous zone are a line measured seaward from that archipelagic baseline, every point of which is distant 24 nautical miles from the nearest point of that archipelagic baseline.

 Pacific Data Hub

Part 1 of the Tuvalu Maritime Zones Act 2012 states that the territorial sea comprises those areas of the sea having

(a) as their inner limits, the baseline, which is measured from the low-water line of the seaward side of the reef fringing the coast of any part of Tuvalu or bounding any lagoon waters adjacent to any part of that coast, or where a reef is not present, the low-water line of the coast itself and

(b) as their outer limits, a line measured seaward from that baseline, every point of which is distant 12 nautical miles from the nearest point of that baseline.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

The ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) Version 3 (ASTGTM) provides a global digital elevation model (DEM) of land areas on Earth at a spatial resolution of 1 arc second (approximately 30 meter horizontal posting at the equator).

The development of the ASTER GDEM data products is a collaborative effort between National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI). The ASTER GDEM data products are created by the Sensor Information Laboratory Corporation (SILC) in Tokyo.

 The Nature Conservancy

SENTINEL-2 is a wide-swath, high-resolution, multi-spectral imaging mission, supporting Copernicus Land Monitoring studies, including the monitoring of vegetation, soil and water cover, as well as observation of inland waterways and coastal areas.

The SENTINEL-2 Multispectral Instrument (MSI) samples 13 spectral bands: four bands at 10 metres, six bands at 20 metres and three bands at 60 metres spatial resolution.

 The Nature Conservancy

A 10-meter resolution land surface digital elevation model (DEM) and derived hillshade for the islands of the Federated States of Micronesia from United States Geological Survey (USGS) 1/3 arc-second DEM quadrangles. Data are only available for Chuuk, Kosrae, and Pohnpei.