133 results
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

ExxonMobil PNG Limited (EMPNG) is committed to safeguarding biodiversity in areas where the company operates and, in particular, the biodiversity values in the Upstream area of the Papua New Guinea Liquefied Natural Gas (PNG LNG) Project. The Biodiversity Strategy and this Biodiversity Implementation and Monitoring Program outline how impacts on biodiversity will be assessed and managed.

 Exxon Mobil PNG Ltd

The island of New Guinea has an exceptionally high biodiversity, and a large proportion of its fauna and flora is found nowhere else on Earth. Charismatic species such as birds-of-paradise, echidnas and tree kangaroos are widely known and often have great cultural significance for local communities in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Less well known is that the flora and smaller fauna of PNG are not only incredibly diverse but remain poorly documented, and numerous plants and animals that are new to science are being discovered every year.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Rapid Marine Biodiversity Assessment of Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea—Survey II (2000)

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Logging in PNG

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Coral Triangle documents

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Biodiversity Conservation of terrestrial and amrine ecosystems

doc 11xpdf
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Biodiversity Survey

 New Guinea Binatang Research Center-Papua New Guinea

Biodiversity and Health

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

PNG is signatory to number of Multilateral Environmental Agreements and UN Conventions, in which CEPA administers 14 of them. The treaties focuses mainly on biodiversity, climate, wastes& pollution.

 Climate Change Directorate

Coral reef biodiversity community based assessment and conservation planning in the Marshall Islands 2002

 Climate Change Directorate

Bikini Atoll Coral Biodiversity and World Heritage List

 Climate Change Directorate

These national reports are RMI obligation to the UNCBD

 Marshall Islands Economic Policy,  Planning and Statistics Office (EPPSO)

Biodiversity strategy 2000

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is a conservation NGO working globallly and in PNG

 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment

The definition of Biodiversity for the purpose of the Nauru Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan is: The variety of life forms, the different plants, animals and micro-organisms, the genes they contain, and the ecosystems they form. It is usually considered at three levels; genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecosystem diversity. It thus includes all the species that make up the natural world of Nauru, those which naturally occur on the island, and those brought here by people.

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

This document is a review of the status, trends and threats to Tonga’s unique biodiversity since the inception of its own NBSAP in 2006. The review also covers the status of the implementation of objectives and action plans, sectors and cross sector collaboration.

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

MACBIO is a project that supports sustainable economies and livelihoods of Pacific Island Countries by strengthening institutional and individual capacity, to manage and conserve biodiversity in marine and coastal ecosystems. The project was commissioned by BMUB to GIZ as part of IKI, jointly implemented by SPREP, IUCN and GIZ from 2013 to 2018.

This dataset holds all MACBIO-related resources pertaining to Tonga as one of the participating countries.


The Pacific region has benefited from a number of regional and national programmes to both assess the impacts of climate change on biodiversity and develop programmes to adapt to climate change. Such programmes are critical considering that the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 1/ states that the Pacific region has already experienced temperature increases of as much as 1°C since 1910.

 Department of Conservation (DOC)

Ecosystem services are the benefits people obtain from ecosystems, such as clean air, fresh water, and the pollination of crops. The aim of this literature review was to find empirical data illustrating the ways in which conservation land and conservation management activities affect ecosystem services. The widely-held belief that natural ecosystems—such as those found on conservation land in New Zealand—provide a range of ecosystem services is generally supported by the literature.

 International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN)

Climate change is a major threat to global biodiversity. From the tropics to the Poles, the world’s ecosystems are all under pressure. A study published in the scientific journal Nature posited that 15 to 37% of terrestrial animal and plant species could be at risk of extinction because of human-induced impacts on climate (Thomas et al., 2004). Scattered across the four corners of the Earth, European Union overseas entities, are home to a biological diversity that is as rich as it is vulnerable.