29 results
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme
… This dataset shows the global distribution of cold-water corals. Occurrence records are given for 86 Families … Octocorallia (octocorals; also known as Alcyonaria) and four Orders (in Class Anthozoa): Scleractinia … CS, Weatherdon LV (2017). Global distribution of cold-water corals (version 5.0). Fifth update to the dataset in …
 SPREP Environmental Monitoring and Governance (EMG)
… in geojson format. … … SPREP Environmental Monitoring and Governance (EMG) … eez … land … gis … Atmosphere and Climate … Land … Biodiversity … Built Environment … Coastal and Marine … Culture and Heritage … Inland Waters …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Zone (EEZ), to increase the size of its Territorial Sea and to be inclusive of the current political status of FSM and other purpose as it deem fit (16 December 1988) The … States of Micronesia extends to its internal waters and Territorial Sea, including sovereign rights over the …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Island Exclusive Economic Zone was measured from the low water line of the seaward side of the normal baseline (coast), the low-water line of the seaward side of the reef fringing the coast … resources including fishing, mining, oil exploration, and any pollution of those resources. However, it cannot …
 Pacific Data Hub
… zone of Niue comprises those areas of the sea, seabed and subsoil that are beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea having as their outer … of the zone, such as the production of energy from the water, currents and winds. …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Islands Territorial Sea Zone was measured from the low water line of the seaward side of the normal baseline (coast), low-water line of the seaward side of the reef fringing the coast and bounding any lagoon waters adjacent to any part of that …
 Pacific Data Hub
… the waters having as their inner limits, the baseline and as their outer limits, a line measured seaward from that … Territorial Sea Zone Gilbert Islands … tsz … Coastal and Marine … Coastal and Marine … Land … Biodiversity …
 Pacific Data Hub
… (MZA) 2018 for Cooks Islands repeals the Territorial Sea and Exclusive Economic Zone Act 1977, (Act No. 16 of 14 … of the territorial baselines and is measured from the low-water mark along the coast of the Cook Islands or where there … along any part of the coast of the Cook Islands, the low-water mark along the outer edge of the coral reef. (b) as …
 Pacific Data Hub
… economic zone, including fishing, mining, oil exploration, and any pollution of those resources. However, it cannot … the surface of the sea that is in compliance with the laws and regulations adopted by the coastal State in accordance … eez … nr … nauru … nauru exclusive economic zone … Coastal and Marine … Coastal and Marine … Land … Biodiversity …
 Pacific Data Hub
… The Nauru Territorial Sea Zone was measured from the low water line of the seaward side of the normal baseline (coast) or the low-water line of the seaward side of the reef fringing the … territory of the state, although foreign ships (military and civilian) are allowed innocent passage through it, or …
 Pacific Data Hub
… inner limits, the baseline, which is measured from the low-water line of the seaward side of the reef fringing the coast … of that coast, or where a reef is not present, the low-water line of the coast itself and (b) as their outer limits, a line measured seaward from …
 Pacific Data Hub
… No. 13) repeals the Marine Zones (Declaration) Act 1984 and underlines the delineation and demarcation of the … shall be: (a) Where the reef is present (i) The low water line of the seaward side of the reed fringing the coast … lines drawn between the natural entrance points at low water or between the geographic coordinates of points …
 Pacific Data Hub
… zone of Tuvalu comprises those areas of the sea, seabed and subsoil that are beyond and adjacent to the territorial … seaward from the baseline; which is measured from the low-water line of the seaward side of the reef fringing the coast … of that coast, or where a reef is not present, the low-water line of the coast itself every point of which is not …
 Pacific Data Hub
… Marshall Islands Contiguous Zone was measured from the low water line of the seaward side of the normal baseline (coast), low-water line of the seaward side of the reef fringing the coast and bounding any lagoon waters adjacent to any part of that …
 Pacific Data Hub
… having, as their inner limits, the baseline of Kiribati and, as their outer limits, a line measured seaward from that … lines. Kiribati has sovereignty beyond its land territory and internal waters over the territorial sea, and to the airspace above and the seabed and subsoil beneath …
 Pacific Data Hub
… having, as their inner limits, the baseline of Kiribati and, as their outer limits, a line measured seaward from that … lines. Kiribati has sovereignty beyond its land territory and internal waters over the territorial sea, and to the airspace above and the seabed and subsoil beneath …
 Pacific Data Hub
… derived using the IKONOS satellite imagery taken in 2004 and Horizontal Datum used was the World Geodetic Datum 1984 … defined as naturally formed areas of land surrounded by and above water at low tide but submerged at high tide, provided they …
 Pacific Data Hub
… that defines the boundaries of Cook Islands EEZ and are referenced to the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS … lines. Kiribati has sovereignty beyond its land territory and internal waters over the territorial sea, and to the airspace above and the seabed and subsoil beneath …
 Pacific Data Hub
… that defines the boundaries of Cook Islands EEZ and are referenced to the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS … lines. Kiribati has sovereignty beyond its land territory and internal waters over the territorial sea, and to the airspace above and the seabed and subsoil beneath …
 Pacific Data Hub
… that defines the boundaries of Cook Islands EEZ and are referenced to the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS … lines. Kiribati has sovereignty beyond its land territory and internal waters over the territorial sea, and to the airspace above and the seabed and subsoil beneath …