Video on how to create a Pivot Table to analyze worksheet data in Excel.
direct internet link to the Pacific Climate Change Portal
a direct internet link to the CBD Coral Reefs Biodiversity Portal
A direct internet link to the NOAA Coral Reef Watch website
A scientific paper published in Marine Geology, that gives a detailed description of the global geomorphic features map
direct link to the 'Blue Habitat' website
direct link to the InterRidge Vents Database
direct internet link into Seamount information on the Blue Habitat portal
direct link to all the latest articles and news on birds from the Pacific region
Direct internet link to the AquaMaps Online Portal.
Direct link to multilateral environmental agreements information on the InforMEA portal related to the Pacific region.
The inventory of GOA-ON assets can be searched interactively by region, platform type, and variables by using the Filters tool. The mapping layers contain contoured world-wide data; **Platforms** include icons for various observing assets, some of which display real-time data and many of which include links to data and metadata. For a given asset measuring carbonate chemistry, metadata includes information on which parameters are measured, links to data providers, and other useful details.
A series of free online courses related to different environmental thematic areas:
1. Biological Diversity
2. Chemicals and Waste
3. Climate, Atmosphere and Land
4. International Environmental Governance
5. Oceans and Freshwater
Users can freely participate on any course and receive certificates upon completion of each course syllabus.
A direct internet link to access the PIER (Pacific Islands Ecosystem at Risk) webpage, listing invasive and potentially invasive plant species present in and around the Pacific region.
A direct internet link to access the PIPAP portal resources.
Analysis and Chart visualization of waste items collected by percentage (%).
Chart visualization of the data collected related to waste category.
Watch this YouTube video to learn more about the InforMEA platform.