13 results
 Department of Environment,  Tonga

This National Water, Sanitation and Climate Outlook is a document that can be used to inform

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

This report is seen as a vehicle for catalyzing common knowledge and understanding among government, donors, NGOs, and communities on rainwater harvesting in the outer island regions of Tonga.

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

The Pacific Climate Change Science Program (PCCSP) was developed to assist decision makers and planners in 14 Pacific island countries and East Timor to understand better how their climate and oceans have changed and how they may change in the future.

This dataset hosts all resources that were developed through the collaboration between Tonga and PCCSP regarding changes in Tonga's climate

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

raw rainfall data collected in 2016

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

Tonga's National Communication Reports in response to the United Nations Framework Conventions on Climate Change.

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

Joint National Action Plan on Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

Climate Change Policies of Tonga

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

The Kingdom of Tonga’s Third National Greenhouse Gas Inventories of Anthropogenic Emissions by Sources and Removals by Sinks of All Greenhouse Gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol Year 2006.

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

Tropical Cyclone Gita hit the main island of Tongatapu and the island of ‘Eua on the night of Monday, 12th February 2018 as a destructive category 4 storm, causing severe damages to these two islands which consists of about 80% of the Total population of Tonga.

This assessment uses the post-disaster data collected by the Statistical Department to describe the characteristics of the affected population, nature and spatial concentration of the damage, and the aid required and received at the time of the interview by the Tongan population.

 Department of Environment,  Tonga

The Tonga State of the Environment 2018 report has been developed to answer three key questions related
to the environment of Tonga, and is based on seven thematic areas:
• What is the current condition of the Tongan environment?
• What are the risks the Tongan environment faces and what measures have been put forward to minimise them? This could provide lessons for Tonga.
• Where is the environment of Tonga headed based on the assessed thematic areas?
