417 results
 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme


This dataset contains information on plastic and other waste in the Pacific Island region, and it was provided by the author of the related article: *Plastic waste inputs from land into the ocean*.

Downloaded from IUCN redlist using country and redlist category (extinct, critically endangered, endangered and vulnerable) filters

Obtained from data downloaded from www.iucn.redlist.org using data filtering ( extinct, critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable)

PNG forest cover loss at 30% tree cover sourced from www.globalforestwatch.org

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

This dataset has an article on plastics that make their way into the ocean and data on plastics and other waste in the Pacific Island region.

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

Download from IUCN www.iucnredlist.org on 2nd of April 2019

 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority

PNG's forest cover loss 2000-2017 downloaded from [www.globalforestwatch.org](https://www.globalforestwatch.org/)

From 2001 to 2017, Papua New Guinea lost 1.28Mha of tree cover, equivalent to a 3.0% decrease since 2000, and 158Mt of CO₂ of emissions.

 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM

jeff's travel reports

The information contain number of visitor who visited the RMI from the year 1989-2005. The information is only for Majuro. No data for kwajalein.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Forest area for pacific island countries

 SPREP Island and Ocean Ecosystems (IOE)

Maps and associated data from the Turtle Research and Monitoring Database System (TREDS). A summary of the database can be found below.

The Turtle Research and Monitoring Database System (TREDS) provides invaluable information for Pacific island countries and territories to manage their turtle resources. TREDS can be used to collate data from strandings, tagging, nesting, emergence and beach surveys as well as other biological data on turtles.


Building Permits 2010

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

This dataset summarizes biodiversity data on plants, animals, marine and other biodiversity elements in Cook Islands.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

This dataset contains information on samples from streams in Cook Islands from 2007-2013.

 Cook Islands National Environment Service

This dataset includes information on agricultural data, including crops, livestock and farming demographics, from national censuses and other sources.