End of Internship presentation on Pacific Climate Finance. Section are: climate finance challenges, overview of climate finance in the Pacific, and next steps.
A collection of Inform project training materials. You are free to download and use any of the training resources below. The PowerPoint presentations contain a complete set of slides, so please feel free to copy, delete or change slides, to fit the purpose of your country training.
The Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Density, Revision 11 consists of estimates of human population density (number of persons per square kilometer) based on counts consistent with national censuses and population registers, for the years 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020. A proportional allocation gridding algorithm, utilizing approximately 13.5 million national and sub-national administrative units, was used to assign population counts to 30 arc-second grid cells.
Bio-ORACLE is a set of GIS rasters providing geophysical, biotic and environmental data for surface and benthic marine realms. The data are available for global-scale applications at a spatial resolution of 5 arcmin (approximately 9.2 km at the equator).
Linking biodiversity occurrence data to the physical and biotic environment provides a framework to formulate hypotheses about the ecological processes governing spatial and temporal patterns in biodiversity, which can be useful for marine ecosystem management and conservation.
FSM States Inform data portal training presentations
Awareness materials for the awareness at College of Micronesia- FSM
This dataset has all the presentations of the FOSS4G conference Oceania 2020. It was a one-day conference held at SPREP on Friday 20th November, aiming to raise awareness on the importance and power of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), open data, open source software, spatial data sharing, and data standards.
This powerpoint document is for the continuation of the FSM Natural Disasters Timeline in the FSM from 2013-2019. This document is compiled according to all the four states JSAPs. For further information on this, please refer to the State's JSAPs. Created by Department of Environment, Climate Change and Emergency Management- FSM National Government
Data portal good practices
Historic Preservation Program Areas
The PPT file explains SPREP's procurement procedure. Please study and apply the process.
This power point provides the details of awareness session at College of Micronesia. February 7, 2020. Conducted by GIS/Data Officer and IT&Comms Officer.