571 results

This raw data was generated from the 2015 Urban Local Level Government Workshop held in Port Moresby, PNG from the participants presentations.

Table of Chlorofluorocarbon consumption reported to the United Nations Environment Programme Ozone Secretariat from 1986-2019.  Source: https://ozone.unep.org/countries/profile/mhl

Urban population as a percentage of total population for the Marshall Islands from 1960-2020 derived from the World Bank DataBank - https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.URB.TOTL.IN.ZS?locations=MH

Liner Shipping Connectivity of the Marshall Islands and other countries from 2004-2019 derived from the World Bank DataBank - https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/IS.SHP.GCNW.XQ?locations=MH

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita using constant 2020 $USD for Marshall Islands from 1960-2020 derived from the World Bank DataBank - https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.CD?locations=MH

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita using constant 2015 $USD for Marshall Islands from 1960-2020 derived from the World Bank DataBank - https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.KD?locations=MH

Daily temperature (Celsius) and rainfall (mm) for Majuro from 1955-2020.

Daily temperature (Celsius) and rainfall (mm) for Kwajalein from 1946-2020.

The monthly average tide levels (meters) for Kwajalein from 1947-2020.  There are 8 tide water mark levels represented: HIGHEST (high tide), MHHW (mean higher high water), MHW (mean high water), MTL (mean tide level), MSL (mean surface level), MLW( mean low water), MLLW (mean lower low water), LOWEST (low tide).

The annual average tide levels (meters) for Kwajalein based on average monthly tide levels from 1947-2020.  There are 5 tide water mark levels represented: MHHW (mean higher high water), MLLW (mean lower low water), HIGH (high tide), LOW (low tide), and MTL (mean tide level).

Table of Chlorofluorocarbon consumption reported to the United Nations Environment Programme Ozone Secretariat from 1986-2019.  Source: https://ozone.unep.org/countries/profile/mhl

Table of Bromochlorocarbon consumption by the Marshall Islands reported to the United Nations Environment Programme Ozone Secretariat from 1986-2019.  Source: https://ozone.unep.org/countries/profile/mhl

Table of Hydrochlorofluorocarbon consumption by the Marshall Islands reported to the United Nations Environment Programme Ozone Secretariat from 1986 -2019. Source: https://ozone.unep.org/countries/profile/mhl

Table of Hydrofluorocarbon consumption by the Marshall Islands reported to the United Nations Environment Programme Ozone Secretariat from 1986 -2019. Source: https://ozone.unep.org/countries/profile/mhl

Annual Greenhouse Gas Emissions estimated by the Global Carbon Project 2020 for the Marshall Islands 1992-2019.  Source: https://www.globalcarbonproject.org/