570 results

This dataset contains economic information for catch and catch vessels in the Asia and Pacific region, including country-level data on Solomon Islands.

Zipped file comprising of Annexed documents of the SI National Plan of Action. Includes the following:
* Graph showing of number of communities living within 1km of coast by Provinces
* Map showing LMMA sites (Govan et al. 2009)
* Map showing coral reef areas for Solomon Islands
* Map showing coral reefs and LMMA sites 2009
* Graph of fish by wards
* Graph of fish by provinces

This is a collated zipped file of the documents and results from the first meeting of CTI Coordination Committee (CCC1) in Jakarta (May 22-24) 2008. This contains all decision documents (the "Jakarta Draft", Chairman's Summary, the decision document on coordination mechanism, and the decision document on roadmap adjustment) as well as all other supporting documents (daily minutes, expert's presentation, and the Issues and Options Discussion Draft).

This zipped file compiles documents, reports and publications developed and produced by CTSP NGO partners including the Solomon Islands National Coordinating Committee during the course of the 5-years USCTI Support Program under the CTI-CFF national work program (2009-2013).

This zip folder contains the shapefile of the Special, Unique Marine Areas of Solomon Islands, including its metadata.

Overview map of Solomon Islands special, unique marine areas.

Spatial data (shapefile) comprising the bioregions of South Pacific, developed within the MACBIO project.

The Forest and land use composition of the Solomon Islands study in 2016, shows 7.77% of the total land area was ‘cropland’. Cropland itself comprises 2176 square kilometres. In 2016 the dominant crop type was mixed subsistence agriculture followed by coconut, mixed crops (including coconut overstory) and palm oil Cocoa and ‘other’ agriculture make up the remaining area under cultivation. Includes pie chart.

an excel version of the data with graphical representation.

Excel version of the data on tree cover loss extracted from Global Forest Watch.

an excel version of the data from the direct internet link

An excel extraction of the data from the internet link resource

This graph shows the profile of languages in Solomon Islands with respect to their status of language development versus language endangerment. Each individual language that has an entry for Solomon Islands is included in the profile. Adapted from https://www.ethnologue.com/profile/SB.

The dolphin hunts in the Solomon Islands are typically conducted between January and April, when the seas are calm. Home to the largest drive slaughter of dolphins in the world, annual kills between the years 1976-2013 averaged 850 dolphins per year. Since Dolphin Project began a full-time campaign in 2015 in Fanalei, Solomon Islands, slaughters have dropped to a four-year average of 247 dolphins.

The bolded ecosystem services in this table are likely to be less resilient to future climate conditions

*please refer to Honiara Ecosystem Based Adaptation assessment and masterplan report for narration and further information*

Prioritized EbA adaptation options

*please refer to Honiara Ecosystem Adaptation Assessment report for narration and further information*