2896 results
 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA) for a proposed coastal reclamation
by Terra Holdings Limited at Kawenu Cove, Fatumaru Bay was prepared by BECON in
September 2011. The EIA Report was submitted to DEPC in October 2011. The Review
Committee met on 4 November 2011 as per section 22 subsections (1) and (2) of the
Environmental Management and Conservation (Amendment) Act No 28 of 2010 and
section 12 (b) of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations Order No of 2011.

 Pacific Environment and Ecotourism Consulting Services (PEECS)

This document reports the findings of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the
construction of a hard stand boat haul out and storage facility (here on referred to as a boatyard) in
the Vaipua area of the Vava’u island group in the Kingdom of Tonga. The boatyard operation will
consist of a compacted haulage slipway, a graded and sealed land area and related terrestrial
infrastructure covering an area of approximately 2.42 hectares. The boatyard will be a facility for the

 SPREP Pacific Environment Information Network (PEIN)

The purpose of the action is to improve transportation and reduce maintenance cost by upgrading
causeway between Foa and Lifuka Islands, to become more resilient and less vulnerable to impacts
of high energy waves. Built in the period 1978-1979, the raised coral structure has served the people
of Foa and Lifuka well despite increasing maintenance cost. The replacement structure is similar to
the existing one but with rock armoring to reduce the energy of waves impacting on the structure

 Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF)

The decrease in fish and seafood locally from numerous different reasons. some These reasons include:
buried parts of the coast for ground- new ( field ) the fishery the psychological need of marine glide
use of fishery by- fit and experiences from storms ( Val 1990 Val 1991, Heather 2004) past.
These problems frequently arise coast of our country and are being ways to reduce fish and seafood. The decrease in fish and seafood, is not available to native protein from food supply.

Online only|Samoan

Call Number: [EL]

 Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF)

The decrease in fish and seafood locally from numerous different reasons . Some of these reasons including ; buried parts of the coast for ground- new ( field ) the fishery the psychological need of marine glide The use of fishing -than- necessary and experiences from storms ( Val 1990 Val 1991 , Heather 2004) past


Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 16p. : ill. (col.) ;

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Solomon Islands’ marine ecosystems are worth at least SI$2.6 billion per year comparable to the country’s total export value. We are strongly committed to sustaining these values to build an equitable and prosperous blue economy.

Available online

Call Number: [EL]

ISBN/ISSN: 987-82-7701-176-9

Physical Description: 80 p

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Biodiversity tends to be at a maximum in the
equatorial region in the west of the Pacific Islands
area, and decreases markedly towards the east. For
example, the number of naturally occurring species of
animals and plants is much greater in the Solomon
Islands than in Tahiti. This is also true of the marine
environment, where fish and invertebrate species,
including corals, are far more numerous in the west
of the sub-region than in the east.

Also available electronically|2 copies

 Asian Development Bank

A strong state reinforces investment yield, whether this results from public or private sector investment. Th e development needs of a weak state must diff er from those of a strong state. Th e fragile states of the Pacifi c are not the dynamic societies of Asia.1 Th ese may sound like obvious statements but the special needs of Pacifi c fragile states have not been apparent in earlier approaches to development in the Pacifi c region. Current Asian Development Bank (ADB) regional and country strategies and programs diff er from those of earlier years.

 Fao Fisheries And Aquaculture Technical Paper

Sea cucumbers are important resources for coastal livelihoods and ecosystems. At least 60 species are fished from more than 40 countries and most of the harvests are processed then exported to Asian markets. Sea cucumbers generally appear to have slow rates of population turnover and are easily harvested in shallow waters in the tropics. With retail prices of up to USD300–500 per kg (dried), exploitation has often been indiscriminant and excessive.

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

This Action Track session will provide a brief snapshot of the current state of knowledge on marine protected areas based on recent analyses conducted for the Oceania region. It will explore the human-ecological nexus and interaction in the context of MPAs, examine how some of the issues surrounding MPA management in the region being addressed, such as Illegal Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing.

 IUCN Regional Office for Oceania

The Fiji Islands is a country rich in marine biodiversity. Fiji is also home to a large Indigenous population with a powerful heritage which is culturally and spiritually connected with the ocean. Many Indigenous people continue to live a largely traditional lifestyle adhering to customary laws and practices.


The research agreement signed on 19th December 2005 by the Institute of Research for Development (IRD), the University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III) and Nantes University, the Pharmacochemical laboratories of Natural Substances and Pharmacophores Redox (UMR 1165) and the Centre of Maritime and Ocean Law (EA 1165, CDMO) led to the international research program “Coral Reef Initiatives for the Pacific” (CRISP).

 Government of Tuvalu

Marine protected areas (MPAs) have gained wide acceptance among coastal planners,
managers, researchers, and scientists as an effective tool that can be utilized to protect
threatened marine and coastal ecosystems. MPAs allow depleted breeding stocks of
important food fish and invertebrate species to regenerate and become re-established,
providing a foundation for sustainable fisheries. Typically, the MPA model comprises a core
“’no-take” conservation area, within which harvest of fish and other consumable resources is

 Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)

Illustrate the current state of marine habitats on the Pacific - mangroves, coral reefs, and seagrasses
Economic value, ecosystems services, social and cultural value of these habitats to Pacific Island people
Ongoing efforts to address multiple threats and stresses on these habitats including climate change - community level national and regional level

Call Number: [EL]

Physical Description: 1:04:28

 Conservation Biology

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are a primary tool for the stewardship, conservation, and restoration
of marine ecosystems, yet 69% of global MPAs are only partially protected (i.e., are open to some form of fishing).
Although fully protected areas have well-documented outcomes, including increased fish diversity and biomass,
the effectiveness of partially protected areas is contested. Partially protected areas may provide benefits in some
contexts and may be warranted for social reasons, yet social outcomes often depend on MPAs achieving their


9Due to its paleogeographic and ecological background, the Medi-terranean Sea hosts a relatively high diversity and endemism of marine species and habitats. In relation to human occupation of the Mediterranean coasts over thousands of years, these unique species and habitats are increasingly under threat from human activities, and in particular at the present time from fishing practices, unsustainable tourism, coastal development, pollution and the exacerbating effects of climate change.