59 results
 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology
… Maps, spreadsheets, publications and reports on protected areas in Solomon Islands, comprising … Ministry of Environment … Climate Change … Disaster Management and Meteorology … protected areas … conservation … community-based resource management … cbrm sites … lmma … mpa … Land … …
 Marshall Islands Environmental Protection Authority (RMIEPA)
… An analysis report in relation to water quality of Majuro atoll. The results provide useful … Islands Environmental Protection Authority (RMIEPA) … waterwater quality … majuro … Atmosphere and Climate … Land …
 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology
… Ministry of Environment … Climate Change … Disaster Management and Meteorology … solomon islands … environment … hazardous … Atmosphere and Climate … Land … Biodiversity … Built Environment … …
 Department of Environment,  Climate Change & Emergency Management (DECEM),  FSM
… hosts all related documents pertaining to solid waste management in FSM; 1. FSM National Solid Waste Management … Practices booklets 2015 / 2016 that focus on the progress and challenges demonstrated by each of the four states in … Policy, b) Awareness, c) Landfill Management, d)Collection and Disposal, and e) Recycling. 3. List of existing policies …
 Climate Change Directorate
… resources … namu … marine assessment … marine … Coastal and Marine …
 Marshall Islands National Disaster Management Office (NDMO)
… cluster, under the Office of the Chief/National Disaster Management Office conducted assessments to analyze the … of the drought. … … Marshall Islands National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) … rmi … 2016 … drought … wash … marshall islands … Atmosphere and Climate …
 Climate Change Directorate
… frequently reviewed coastal conditions of RMI for action and policy … … Climate Change Directorate … coastal … coastal management
 Nauru Department of Commerce,  Industry and Environment
… Legislation … … Nauru Department of Commerce … Industry and Environment … environmental management … nauru … climate change … legislation … act … Atmosphere and Climate … Biodiversity … Built Environment … Coastal and
 PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
… Locally Managed Areas Map in Pdf … … PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority … 2019 … locally managed … … manus province … marine … conservation … lmma … Coastal and Marine …
 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology
… Ministry of Environment … Climate Change … Disaster Management and Meteorology … nems …
 Department of Environment,  Tonga
… in their nearby marine areas. That concept gained momentum and in the early 2000s a change in Tonga’s fisheries legislation allowed for fisheries management by local communities, through Special Management Areas (SMAs). Since that time the Fisheries …
… scope of this report is to describe the major habitats and marine life in the project area, with the aim of … include dredging operations in the nearshore reef area and the installation of a wastewater discharge pipeline in Gataivai. This is the first …
 Cook Islands National Environment Service

This dataset contains information on samples from streams in Cook Islands from 2007-2013.

 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology
… This report is on Water quality and Sediment contains of Heavy Metals at Metapona river in … Ministry of Environment … Climate Change … Disaster Management and Meteorology … health … Inland Waters …
 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology
… the Gold Ridge mine has been modified substantially and requires an ongoing monitoring program to ensure the ecosystem services of food and water for the local communities continue to be safe. This … Ministry of Environment … Climate Change … Disaster Management and Meteorology … mining … water quality … arsenic …
 Marshall Islands Conservation Society
… Local Early Action plan created by the Mejit Local Resource Committee and community members. This was done as a part of the … mejit island … 2016 … reimaanlok … leap … natural resource management … Atmosphere and Climate … Land … Biodiversity … …
 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology
… State party reports, documents, maps and publications of the East Rennell Lake Tengano World … Ministry of Environment … Climate Change … Disaster Management and Meteorology … world heritage site … world heritage area … …
 Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment,  Climate Change,  Disaster Management and Meteorology
… Reports for Solomon Islands in the previous years and the current draft 2018. … … Solomon Islands Ministry of Environment … Climate Change … Disaster Management and Meteorology … soe … state of environment … report … …

Aitutaki Wetlands 2017