22 results
 Marshall Islands Environmental Protection Authority (RMIEPA)
… Adaptation to Climate Change (PACC) project focusing on water resource management in the atoll of Majuro … … Marshall … water sector … water … vulnerability … majuro … Atmosphere and Climate …
 Marshall Islands Environmental Protection Authority (RMIEPA)
… An analysis report in relation to water quality of Majuro atoll. The results provide useful … Islands Environmental Protection Authority (RMIEPA) … waterwater quality … majuro … Atmosphere and Climate … Land …
 Climate Change Directorate
… … marine … marine resources … marine assessment … Coastal and Marine …
 Climate Change Directorate
… All reports and documents on RMI's cultural resources for the various … … historical … sites … archaelogical … survey … Culture and Heritage …
 Pacific Data Hub
… This record holds Majuro's average solar resource  (kWh/m2/day). Data is extracted from Marshall Islands Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA), and the original data source is from NASA website. Note: This …
 Pacific Data Hub
… This record holds Majuro's average solar resource  (kWh/m2/day). Data is extracted from Marshall Islands Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA), and the original data source is from NASA website. Note: This …
 Marshall Islands National Disaster Management Office (NDMO)
… UNEP-ENHANCING CLIMATE INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE SERVICES FOR RESILIENCE TRAINING … … Marshall Islands National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) … #environment … majuro … waste management
 Marshall Islands Environmental Protection Authority (RMIEPA)
… **Vision** A clean and healthy Marshall islands for today and future generation … … Marshall Islands Environmental … sdg 12 … Land … Biodiversity … Built Environment … Coastal and Marine … Nuclear Legacy …
 Pacific Data Hub
… recorded from the gauge, is held in this record and provided in the form of Yearly Reports, Tide Prediction … but also a number of "ancillary" variables - air and water temperatures, wind speed, wind direction and … sea-level-and-climate-change-in-marshall-islands … uliga … water … Land … Biodiversity …
 Pacific Data Hub
… recorded from the gauge, is held in this record and provided in the form of Yearly Reports, Tide Prediction … but also a number of "ancillary" variables - air and water temperatures, wind speed, wind direction and … sea-level-and-climate-change-in-marshall-islands … uliga … water … Land … Biodiversity …
 Pacific Data Hub
… recorded from the gauge, is held in this record and provided in the form of Yearly Reports, Tide Prediction … but also a number of "ancillary" variables - air and water temperatures, wind speed, wind direction and … sea-level-and-climate-change-in-marshall-islands … uliga … water … Land … Biodiversity …
 Pacific Data Hub
… recorded from the gauge, is held in this record and provided in the form of Yearly Reports, Tide Prediction … but also a number of "ancillary" variables - air and water temperatures, wind speed, wind direction and … sea-level-and-climate-change-in-marshall-islands … uliga … water … Land … Biodiversity …
 Pacific Data Hub
… recorded from the gauge, is held in this record and provided in the form of Yearly Reports, Tide Prediction … but also a number of "ancillary" variables - air and water temperatures, wind speed, wind direction and … sea-level-and-climate-change-in-marshall-islands … uliga … water … Land … Biodiversity …
 Pacific Data Hub
… recorded from the gauge, is held in this record and provided in the form of Yearly Reports, Tide Prediction … but also a number of "ancillary" variables - air and water temperatures, wind speed, wind direction and … sea-level-and-climate-change-in-marshall-islands … uliga … water … Land … Biodiversity …
 Pacific Data Hub
… recorded from the gauge, is held in this record and provided in the form of Yearly Reports, Tide Prediction … but also a number of "ancillary" variables - air and water temperatures, wind speed, wind direction and … sea-level-and-climate-change-in-marshall-islands … uliga … water … Land … Biodiversity …
 Pacific Data Hub
… recorded from the gauge, is held in this record and provided in the form of Yearly Reports, Tide Prediction … but also a number of "ancillary" variables - air and water temperatures, wind speed, wind direction and … sea-level-and-climate-change-in-marshall-islands … uliga … water … Land … Biodiversity …
 Pacific Data Hub
… recorded from the gauge, is held in this record and provided in the form of Yearly Reports, Tide Prediction … but also a number of "ancillary" variables - air and water temperatures, wind speed, wind direction and … sea-level-and-climate-change-in-marshall-islands … uliga … water … Land … Biodiversity …
 Pacific Data Hub
… recorded from the gauge, is held in this record and provided in the form of Yearly Reports, Tide Prediction … but also a number of "ancillary" variables - air and water temperatures, wind speed, wind direction and … sea-level-and-climate-change-in-marshall-islands … uliga … water … Land … Biodiversity …
 Pacific Data Hub
… recorded from the gauge, is held in this record and provided in the form of Yearly Reports, Tide Prediction … but also a number of "ancillary" variables - air and water temperatures, wind speed, wind direction and … sea-level-and-climate-change-in-marshall-islands … uliga … water … Land … Biodiversity …
 Pacific Data Hub
… recorded from the gauge, is held in this record and provided in the form of Yearly Reports, Tide Prediction … but also a number of "ancillary" variables - air and water temperatures, wind speed, wind direction and … sea-level-and-climate-change-in-marshall-islands … uliga … water … Land … Biodiversity …